Chapter 56 - The Covetous

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Blood Warning ⚠️

     Xed placed (Y/N) down into an empty room and shut the doors behind them.

      (Y/N) was clutching her side that was beginning to spread and turn into those sickly shades of greens and yellows his blood was known for. She growled at the pain while Xed tsked at her and walked over to a crate in the corner of the room.

       All (Y/N) could as she writhed on the floor was him pulling the crate aside and pulling out a box he kept hidden.

"You know you really should learn to not stab me with your blood." Xed chuckled. He placed the small metal box on top of the crate and opened it to reveal some bandages. He took the bandages and started applying them to the wound she gave him and grunted a bit at the pain. "You know it never ends up good for you. You're so naive, my sweet!"

       She didn't respond as a sharp pain hit her gut, signaling that the infection was starting to spread to her vital organs. Tears welled up in her eyes as she cried out from the intense pain while Xed took his sweet time patching himself up first.

       She needed to learn the hard way that she can't touch him. Not even Zankoku could and he was supposed to be the strongest around.

       This did fill Xed's ego. Such abilities as hers and the deceased King won't ever affect him.

       But he hated hearing her cries. As much as she needed to be punished, he couldn't help but feel soft for her. So once he finished patching his wound up, he moved over to her and crouched down by her side.

        (Y/N) gritted her teeth as Xed moved her shirt up a bit to reveal her infected side. He used his claw to create a cut in her skin to make her bleed and instantly, her body began to expel the infected blood on its own. He had his own way of removing it but this works too.

         He lifted her up as she weakly fell into his arms as her blood got to work pushing the infection out onto the floor. Slowly she felt the pain subside but due to how much it was, it left her feeling lightheaded. If he would've left her to suffer even more, she would've experienced major blood loss.

"There there~. Don't you feel better now?" Xed cooed as he held her close, seeing that she looked so close to fainting any minute while the toxic blood fell and burned on the floor. Part of it sizzled on her jeans and left holes in them along the side.

       (Y/N) wanted to push him away. Tear him apart and make him suffer the way she did. But she couldn't even hold her head straight.

"I'm going to kill you..." She muttered as the last bits of the infected blood left her body.

         Xed only chuckled at her threat, finding it adorable. "We'll see, my little monster."

        He then lifted her up in his arms, carrying her like the princess she was as he grinned possessively at her. "Oh, just wait until we get out of here! Our lives are going to be so perfect together!"

        She hissed as he started rocking her in his arms and felt dizzy from his movements. She tried pushing him away but his grip only tightened.

"We'll go somewhere far far away from here. Where no one can find us! It'll just be me and you. No one to disturb us. Not Mother! Not any humans! Not even that blond nuisance!" He chuckled with a sinister look on his face. "It'll be amazing~."

"I'm not going- anywhere with you!" (Y/N) furiously stated as she pushed herself out of his arms.

         She stumbled on her feet which Xed quickly caught her and held her close to his chest. His grip locked on her around her neck as he pulled her so close to his face that she could feel his breath on her lips.

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