Chapter 18 - The Beach

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     She didn't know what to expect about Yama's home...

     But it certainly wasn't this.

     It's clear that the doctor has been rather busy with his scavenging by how cluttered everything was. Multiple shelves and bookcases filled with all sorts of things lined the walls of the small cabin. On one shelf was a stack of medical and science magazines, on another, was a bowl filled with random keychains, on another, were different knick knacks, but most of all was the overwhelming amount of books he kept. Some books had to be stacked up on tables from the bookcases being overfilled.

     The kitchen wasn't safe either. More books were stacked onto the counters, a rack filled with different knives from pocket ones to a cleaver. There was another bowl off to the side filled with random keys of all shapes and sizes whether they were normal keys or keycards. She checked the fridge and only found bottles of water and small coolers inside.

     She stepped out of the kitchen and continued observing everything. She walked over and took a seat on a hammock chair that was sitting against one of the bookshelves. She felt herself swing back and forth slightly before reaching up and grabbing one of the stacked magazines.

'Physics Today: New Frontier Edition'

      Something about a meteor being found in the Arctic. She flipped through it and saw all the things related to science and innovation from way before. Glimpses into the world that once was.

     She wondered if people back then ever expected the world to turn out like this. Everything in this magazine looked so strange to her.

      A door opened in the back and she glanced over to see Yama, now in a white t-shirt, emerge from a bedroom but turn into the bathroom on the right.

     She leaned forward the get a better look at the open bedroom and saw a singular king-sized bed inside. Those were so hard to come by. How did he get one?

Yama walked out of the bathroom carrying a wet rag in his hand that he used to wipe his face off with. (Y/N) watched him walk past her and towards the side door that she used to enter the cabin due to the front being locked.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" She asked. She was aware of how fast a demon heals now but the wound had to be still fresh.

"Just checking something." He answered before opening the door and heading outside.

      After the trouble they just went through today, she would think he would be taking a load off after returning to his home.

      Her eyes went from the door towards the two back rooms, deciding to take a chance to explore them while he was busy.

     She got up from the hammock and proceeded down the hall. There was a small closet opposite the bathroom filled with random boxes of stuff. But the bathroom was free from the clutter. It was rather small too. The sink, toilet, and bathtub were almost pressed against each other. But she noticed the toolbox filled with medical supplies and tools sitting on the brim of the tub. It was even more than what he carried.

     Leaving the bathroom she then went to the bedroom. She pushed the door open some more and peeked inside.

      The king bed took up a lot of space. It was pressed as far it can go on one side of the room while the other had a desk with an old swivel chair filled with even more books, papers, journals, and maps.

      And she thought she had a book problem...

     She went further inside the room and took a seat on the bed. Her eyes widened at how soft it was that she had to get up and take a seat again.

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