Chapter 24 - The Repeat

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"Oh would you look at that." (Y/N)'s mother whispered as she stood up from the swinging chair on their porch.

     10-year-old (Y/N) who was laying against her mother, reading a book had to sit up once the woman moved. She glanced to where her mother was looking and spotted the gates to her community opening up as familiar weird-looking trucks entered the grounds.

"They must be here to rest again." (M/N) spoke and leaned against the porch railings to watch the trucks. "What do you think they'll have for us this time, honey?"

     The girl shrugged. Last year they gave them weapons and things to protect themselves with as thanks for allowing the Ground dwellers a place to rest. She was never allowed to get too close to the Zone though but there was always that woman who liked to come by and chat with her mother. It's become almost a yearly thing.

     As (Y/N) went back to reading her book, she could hear her mother greet the woman as expected and soon they got to catching up. The woman talked about the Zone's recent travels while her mother gave them updates on how the community was doing. It was there usual conversation they started with.

     The girl's shyness took over when the woman said hello to her and she gave a meek wave. Hiding her face behind her book.

     Footsteps entered the porch and stopped just in front of her. She looked up and saw a book being held out for her to take.

"Your mother said you're quite the bookworm. So I bought you a book." The woman smiled. "Straight from the Zones."

     (Y/N) gazed amazingly at the book. It was in pristine condition. No tears, no water damage, no dirt or scuffs. It was even still wrapped in plastic and had a label on it to a bookstore she's never heard of before. It was completely new. She's never seen anything like it before.

     The book was carefully taken by the girl as she flipped through each page expecting at least some damage. But nothing.

"Th-Thank you..." The girl shyly mumbled which made the woman smile. She looked up to meet her eyes and saw just how yellow and shiny they were.

"You're welcome, sweetie."

*Tap tap tap tap tap tap-*

     (Y/N)'s eyes shot open and she hastily pushed herself up and shoved her body deep into a corner. She was immediately in fight-or-flight mode. Her eyes were widely darting around as her consciousness slowly came back. The last thing she remembered was the Zone. They took her.

     Where was she?! She felt metal all around her and was inside some techy room or whatever this place was. The room felt cold and clustered, the interior was so alien to her and yelped when something hit the glass wall in front of her again.

     She looked straight ahead and met the person sitting in front of her on the other side of the glass.

"Finally you're up. Was starting to think you were dead."

     (Y/N) didn't say anything as her eyes examined the person.

     It was a girl around her age, probably the same Capturer who found her judging by her form. Her armor on the upper half of her body was removed so she was only wearing a white tank top and her uniform cargo pants that covered heavy boots. When (Y/N) looked at the girl's face, she saw she was wearing sunglasses despite being indoors.

"So you're not one of those Elitist weirdos?" The human girl asked as she leaned back against a wall. "Cause' if you are, we have no choice but to put you down. So answer honestly, ok?"

      At the thought of being killed, (Y/N) furiously shook her head. "I'm not!"

      The Capturer pursed her lips and tilted her head. "You could be saying that so you won't get killed."

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