Chapter 28 - The Confrontation

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Investigating the disturbance ultimately led to nowhere. Whoever or whatever caused it must have gotten away.

It was already night by the time the patrol team got back. (Y/N) and B spent the time talking about random nonsense. Mostly B took over for both of them and rambled about what her Capturer training was like and things about the Zones that (Y/N) was curious of. It ultimately went to them comparing each other's lives as a Ground dweller and Topsider.

It did help take the demon's mind off of everything. Even the disappointment of coming back to the camp without her partner.

(Y/N) sat at a small pull-out table with B as the Capturer ate her dinner and worked on a tablet.

The demon wasn't too hungry so she rested her head against the table and watched the humans walk around camp doing their jobs. Something she's starting to enjoy doing. Human watching. Which sounds weird when putting it like that.

The little boy demon, Tuca, was with (O/N) and her husband playing games with them while they talked. Another demon who (Y/N) met named Vam had been doing her own scouting for the humans and was back to give her report. She seemed nice enough but mostly stuck to herself and the boy.

It made (Y/N) wonder if all Ground dwellers were all this friendly to demons. Apart from the whole capturing and experimenting they did... And what Yama had told her about Zone 10.

Maybe not all humans...

(Y/N) drifted her eyes over, met the green eyes of the Head Keeper in training, and immediately sat up when the woman approached the two girls. B hadn't noticed until Torres stood in front of her and slammed a rolled-up document onto the table, scaring the Capturer.

When B looked up and saw the woman, she instantly glared. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"I don't appreciate being lied to." Torres huffed, her anger clear in her tone. She pointed at (Y/N) with the rolled-up document, the demon leaning away nervously. "You made me put her in as a manipulator! I could've gotten in huge trouble for that!"

"Does it look like I care?" B grumbled, going back to her meal and work.

(Y/N) watched Torres snatch the tablet away from B and throw it to the ground. Instantly the Capturer got up and got close to the woman, challenging her with balled-up fist. "You have 5 seconds to leave right now."

"Or what?" Torres mocked. "You can't hit me. I can get you fired if you did."

(Y/N) didn't know what to do. She watched helplessly as B tried to conceal her anger and stare down the soon-to-be Head Keeper while Torres was beginning to smirk, egging the girl on to do something she'll regret.

No one else has noticed the confrontation yet so (Y/N) meekly stood up. "He-Hey, maybe-"

"And you!" Torres turned away from B and was now facing the demon. "If I had the power I would override that chip and put you back into a cage faster than you can blink."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened and she backed away.

"You can't do that without reason!" B argued. "Are you trying to get fired?"

"Oh, I have a reason. And a very good one." Torres lowly responded, before giving (Y/N) a knowing look. "Don't I, Zankoku?"

"What..?!" (Y/N) gasped. She started shaking her head at the accusation. "I'm not-"

B had enough of this. She went to go shove the disrespectful woman away but was stopped in time by her father who held his daughter back. "Blythe, stop!"

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