Chapter 46 - The Cut

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"You see anything, Green?" Vam whispered.

"No." Tuca whispered back, holding a pair of binoculars to his eyes as he looked over the train yard ahead of them. They both kept low and out of sight while observing the seemingly abandoned structure. "Place looks clear. I think it's-"

      But he stopped talking when a pack of demon-looking dogs came running out from behind a fallen train toward a herd of deer grazing nearby. They snarled and lashed out at the poor deer who quickly began to flee from the demons.

"Place isn't clear. There are demons." Tuca muttered and Vam nodded, pulling up her radio to contact the Chief. "Trainyard isn't clear. Tuca spotted demons."

     The soon radio clicked with Jules' response. "How many? What's their descriptions?"

     Tuca zoomed the binoculars closer and studied the hunting demons. "They kinda look like wolves. Maybe bigger? I count 17."

      Vam nodded and leaned back against the concrete railing of the building they were hiding on and lifted the radio close to her mouth. "They look like wolves. Around 17 of them. The yard is pretty dense so it might be a challenge clearing the place out but it doesn't seem too hard."

      It took a few seconds for Jules to respond, probably relaying the information to the rest of the team. Then the radio clicked once more. "Good. Keep eyes on the area and stay out of sight. We'll be there soon."

"Got it." Vam spoke before the radio went silent. She turned her head to Tuca as he pulled the binoculars down. "You think there's going to be a day where he's not making us run errands for him?"

       Tuca placed the binoculars into his bag but still kept his green eyes on watch. "I thought you liked doing scouting duty?"

"I do." Vam sighed and moved her arms up to rest behind her head. "But I would like a break, sometimes, you know. We're always on our feet."

        Her partner slowly nodded to that. They were being used for scouting a lot. Dog too. It made sense to have them on scouting duty to avoid sending out trucks full of Capturers to do it but they needed breaks too. 

       Tuca's unemotional eyes looked down at her as he tilted his head slightly. "Maybe once this fight is over, we can go see Father and the group. It's been a while since they left."

"That's going to be a trip, Green. J'iraiya took the group pretty far, remember?" Vam recalled. "They went South, right? We've never gone that way before."

"We'll be fine. It'll be just like old times." Tuca muttered. "It can be like what Mrs. (OL/N) keeps talking about."

"A vacation?" His partner asked and he nodded. "A vacation."

       Vam smiled at this. She has grown to be fond of the Zone over the years but she did miss the time when it was just her and Tuca traveling the world together. She even missed her old family even more. It's been over 20 years since they left. So she agreed and got prepared to wait for the Zone to catch up with him. "Fine. We'll go see J'iraiya and the family once this is all over."

       The demon wolves down at the train yard began dragging their recent kills into a warehouse to feast. They were all massive, bulky, and horrendously mangled throughout their skin and body. The whole pack began rushing toward the dead deer and tearing them apart limb from limb like they haven't eaten in days. Because of their hunger, they didn't know that they were being watched by wide grey eyes that looked down at them with bad intentions behind them.

      But not just at the demons, but the entire area itself. It was hard to maneuver through the yard with all of the trains piled up on top of each other. There was a fallen warehouse that blocked a main road off and even a large sinkhole near the edges of the train yard that could prove useful.

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