Chapter 11 - The Partners

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Blood and Knife Warning ⚠️

     Yama kicked open a door to a small shack tucked underneath some boulders he spotted in the forest. It wasn't huge but perfect enough to stay in until he could finish tending to their wounds.

     (Y/N) moved inside after him and fell onto an old stump in the corner. She held back her scream of pain as another intense throb racked through her arm and she held the infected limb close to her body. It was so bad that she couldn't stop her growling.

      Yama tossed his rucksack onto a small table and got down to his knee to start inspecting her arm. The doctor in him taking over. He gently pulled the limb away from her, careful to avoid any blood from touching him and saw just how bad it had gotten.

     Her black veins turned green against her skin and her blood was visibly moving underneath her skin as it worked to fight against the foreign blood. Her arm was no longer a (s/c) tone but now shades of greens, yellows, and purples that were clear signs of an infection. It spread up over her upper arm and any more, it will eventually reach her shoulder.

     (Y/N) collapsed in on herself from the pain and was starting to cry. Her good hand gripped the wall and crushed into the already weak boards as she bared her clenched teeth, muffling the growls emanating from her throat.

     Yama's brain racked over what to do. This wasn't any normal infection. A usual means of treatment wouldn't work.

    From how swollen her arm was and the pulsing he felt, an idea came to him.

    (Y/N) heard him get up and move to his bag to dig around for something until he returned to his spot in front of her. Then she felt the sharp edge of a knife against her skin.

"Don't move." He told her and she weakly nodded. Whatever he was doing couldn't be as bad as this.

    The knife started from her inner elbow and cut deeply into her skin all the way until it reached her wrist. Deep enough to get her arm to start bleeding but also avoiding slicing her veins.

    A foul stench wafted into the air that smelled so toxic that the male demon had to jump back and cover his nose.

    But with the wound created it was like her body reacted on its own. She felt her blood rush to her arm and jumble around inside until she could feel it push Xed's toxic blood out. Yama went to help her up and take her outside the shed where the dark green foul blood poured onto the ground and sizzle away at the plants it landed on. Slowly the pain began to subside. (Y/N) weakly fell against Yama and rested her head on his chest while he held her arm out for her. He could see her original (s/c) tone begin to appear and the swelling go down.

     For just a bit longer, her body removed the toxic blood from her system and now the only blood that was coming out was her own. The stench of gone and only a healthy black color that burned in the air normally was oozing out.

     Yama helped her into a sitting position on the forest ground before going back inside the shed to retrieve some bandages from his bag. She held her arm close and was finally able to breathe deeply when the pain had subsided.

     She now knew not to make any contact with Xed's blood. This could've been a whole lot worse if it wasn't her arm. What if it was her gut, or chest, or anywhere close to her head?

     She wiped her tears away and watched Yama return once again with the stuff he needed to patch her arm up. He pulled her closer to him and began focusing on his work.

     Her eyes trailed up to him and moved across his face, seeing the large cut he had gotten that was steadily trying to heal itself. Must've been the other Elitists who had gotten to him. She was glad to see him alright but what if he had injuries himself that he wasn't focusing on?

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