Chapter 43 - The Hostage

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"Wakey wakey..."A voice whispered before a harsh slap sounded through the air.

     Yama felt his head swing to the side as he was forced awake and felt a massive sting erupt on his face. He barred his teeth as he tried attacking the person in front of him but he soon realized that he was tied to a chair by chains and ropes. His eyes were blindfolded too which would make it harder for him to use his abilities.

"You're a fiesty one, aren't ya', doctor?" The voice chuckled as Yama felt their hand push his head to the side.

      He knew that voice. And it was starting to get on his last nerves.

"Where are we..?" Yama spoke, feeling how dry his throat was.

"Now why would I tell you that?" Xed amused. "You're the hostage, remember? Oh wait, I didn't tell you that before I clocked you. But yea, you're the hostage."

"What do you expect to get out of this?" Yama hissed as he heard Xed walking around. He tried to move his fingers but realized Xed had tied each one down too. He must have been planning this.

      The wide-eyed demon smiled mischievously. "What I expect is to get my sweet back. And you are going to help me."

       Like some sort of ransom? A negotiation? Yama rolled his eyes. "If you're thinking of a trade-"

"I'm not." Xed grinned. "I won't trade for what's mines. I'll simply take it."

       Calling (Y/N) his made the doctor's blood boil. Xed could be doing it on purpose to get a reaction out of him or maybe he was being serious. Either way, Yama bit back his tongue but he wasn't going to forget.

       He started to hear Xed rummaging through something. He could have his back turned. So Yama began wriggling his fingers around, trying to get them loose from the ropes and chains.

"My plan is to use you as a distraction. Or maybe, a trap. Still not sure which one I like more." Xed hummed. "But both will leave me with my sweet, you most likely dead and the rest of your buddies dead too. I would you all permanently gone than given a second chance at life by my humble mother."

"Sounds like a stupid plan." Yama grumbled and Xed glared at him before gaining his mischievous smile again. "Says the stupid hostage."

     Yama ignored him and continued to try and get his fingers free. They were tied so tightly that the roughness of the ropes was scraping his skin. But just as he almost go his middle finger free, he felt a cold sharp tip of a knife pointed into his knuckle.

"You might want to rethink that." A feminine voice warned.

      Yama cursed to himself. He didn't think to learn if there were others here.

      The blade pulled away as the feminine voice walked off towards Xed. "You actually managed to catch him. Except there's no girl."

"I have a plan for that, Indi." Xed exclaimed. "A really good one too. But my dear friend heres doesn't need to know it."

"We're not friends." The doctor growled.

       Xed put on a fake hurt tone and pretended to wipe his tears. "Oh, but I thought we were! How could you say that?"

      All Xed got back was grumbles from him. Most of them being about how he wished to kill him. They made the wide-eyed demon smile.

"If you'll excuse me, sis, I have some stalking to do." Xed spoke. Yama listened to him start to walk away and a door was opened somewhere ahead of him. He took note of this.

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