Chapter 3 - The Kill

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Violence Warning ⚠️

    (Y/N) watched Yama throw an empty duffel bag he had found to the side, landing on a table and with a ton of dust on it.

      They were in some sort of small apartment building that he says he hasn't scavenged through yet. While he looked through the cabinets of a kitchen she decided to poke around too. Maybe if she found something he won't start thinking of her as a nuisance.

      She moved into a tiny living room that was basically combined with the kitchen. The place was overgrown by ivy coming in from the windows and spreading all across the walls and floors. The elements long since took over the furniture and decor. Spotting a bookshelf that was leaning on its side with several rows of old books inside, she pulled out a random one but she was disappointed to see that the elements got to it as well. It wouldn't open from the water damage and the front cover was completely gone.

      She placed the book back where it was and glanced over at the male demon who was flipping a kitchen knife around in his hand. "What are we looking for?"

'We?' He grumbled in his thoughts. "Anything that's useful."

      She was never on Mr. Wilson's scouting team but she remembers they always brought back things like clothes, salvageable objects, and even food if they got lucky.

      Nothing seemed salvageable up here. Maybe the bedrooms are at least safe from nature?

      Yama slipped the knife through his back belt loop. It was still pretty dull but if he can sharpen it enough it could be a good weapon to throw. He noticed (Y/N) get up and carefully walk towards the back rooms, still holding a hand to her side but gaining her energy back as time passed.

      There was only one bedroom and a bathroom. Neither had any windows so the ivy never reached them.

       She went into the bedroom and stepped over the shelf towards a closet in the furthest corner of the room. If she can find still wearable clothes to get out her grimy and blood soaked ones then she'll feel ten times better. Even though she would love a bath even more there weren't many options for one right now.

       Pulling open the closet door, (Y/N) shrieked when a body came falling out of it.

       She jumped onto the bed as the decades old demon corpse tumbled to the ground with a loud thud.

       Footsteps came rushing over until Yama had reached the room. He saw the girl shaking on the bed and staring at the corpse that was like a mummy from being preserved in the closet.

"It's dead." He concluded, going back to his search.

      (Y/N) slowly crawled to the edge of the bed to get a closer look at it before glancing up at the closet. Did it die in there?

      There were a couple of shirts on hangers that didn't look as moth eaten. Most of them are t-shirts and one flannel. Looking into the dressers underneath she could only find two pairs of jeans there clearly larger than her.

      This obviously used to be a man's apartment. She couldn't be picky though.

      This apartment proved to be a waste of time apart from the knife and extra duffel he found. Yama picked up the duffel and threw it over his shoulder along with his rucksack. Maybe the other apartments had better stuff. He went to go tell the girl that they were leaving but saw that the bedroom door was closed.

      She must've heard him approaching because she quickly yelled, "Wait! I'm changing!"

      He raised an eyebrow. She found some clothes?

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