Chapter 5 - The Fabric

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In the quiet overgrown apartment where water damaged books and the petrified corpse of a demon rested, something small and furry crouched low to the floor in concentration. Eyes focusing on a brown rat that sniffed around the demon corpse in search of food.

The room was a bit dark due to having no windows which provided great cover for the feline. It slowly stalked forward, stopping when the rat moved and then continuing when it was distracted. One silent step after the next. So close to getting to its meal.

But the sounds of footsteps and a door swinging open scared both animals. The rat darted to a nearby hole while the cat ran underneath the bed, both seeking immediate safety.

The scared feline watched multiple shadows hit the living room walls from where it was in the bedroom.

One of the shadows, a demon wearing a skull mask and black tattered clothes, crossed the cat's sight and went into the kitchen while two more came into the hall and started approaching the bedroom. The cat backed away further under the bed, its back hunching up from seeing the demons.

"That idiot thought going alone with that mutt was gonna be enough to catch that girl!" One of the demons snickered. They saw their fallen comrade's corpse before coming here. A pathetic sight. Mother would be disappointed.

"Must've tried to grab her. You saw his face?!" The other exclaimed. "Mother said she was strong but jeez!"

For a recently turned demon, they were expecting her to come out like the others. Most of their captured humans couldn't handle the transformation and usually died not too long after. They had some success but they all came out weak. Very easy to control too.

That girl, however. She's the first of her type to come out different. She was valuable. They needed her.

"Hey, look." One of the Elitists spotted a small pile of clothes on the floor next to the bed. They went over and reached down to grab them but a loud hiss followed by the small cat darting out from underneath the bed and shooting past the two demons in a flash. "OH SHIT-"

The other Elitist watched the cat go and laughed at the other. "You let some fuzzball scare you?"

"Shut it! It came out of nowhere!" The first hissed, snatching the clothes off the first and seeing that they were old overalls. Covered in grime, black blood, and burns where the blood touched. Seemed familiar.

They lifted the part covered in blood to their nose and sniffed. Still smelled somewhat fresh. Could be a clue.

"You think this is what she was wearing?" They tossed the overalls to their partner who caught them and looked them over. "Could be her."

They both turned towards the hall that led to the living room. "Hey, Xed! We found something!"

Upon their call, the sound of chains shook with each heavy step the owner of them made. The Elitist holding the clothing held their arm out, almost like they wanted to keep as much distance between themselves and the one they called Xed.

Soon a male demon appeared, wearing black clothing too but they were ripped up jeans with a large chain hooked onto them, a black dress shirt that was barely holding together, and dark brown boots that made his footsteps sound heavier than normal. He was a tall demon, having to duck a bit through the doorway due to his 6'5 height while his long skinny arm snatched the overalls out of the Elitist's hand.

The Elitists watched their leader as they silently waited for his orders, even the Elitist who went into the kitchen peaked towards the room.

The overalls were gripped by Xed's thick black gloves that covered long ash white fingers that matched the rest of his body. They were lifted up towards his nose as he took a deep inhale of the blood in them. The scent of the blood and sweat wafted through his nose. His grey eyes, permanently wide open rolled back into his skull as he breathed in the girl's familiar scent. His head fell back slightly and shaggy black hair followed suit while a wide smile spread across his face.

This was her alright.

He darted back to his original position so fast he scared the two Elitists a bit. He moved to hold the bloody part of the overalls against the wall and pulled out a huge jagged hunter's knife from a sheath connected to his belt and started cutting the bloody fabric out.

"She was here. We're on the right track. Mother will be pleased." He insanely chuckled between every word, the grotesque smile still planted on his face.

One Elitist looked to the other, nodding. "We'll get the others to start searching the area-"

"No!" Their leader hissed which made the two freeze. "She's long gone from here. We go north."

He finished cutting the fabric apart, letting the rest of the overalls fall to the floor with the bloody part in his hand. "There's no need to rush. We'll have her soon."

If Xed was sure of it, then the Elitists were too. They found a trace of the girl, now to track her down.

Xed shoved the bloody fabric into his jeans pocket and ducked out of the room to leave. When he passed the kitchen, he turned to the single Elitist in there and stared at them with his empty grey eyes unblinking. "Go find that cat. I'm starving."

"Yes, sir." The small feline shouldn't be too far.

When Xed exited the apartment into the hot summer air, he caught sight of the dead Elitist who thought taking on the girl alone would be a good idea. He snickered. Mother will be so impressed by what happened.

The girl wasn't too far but she wasn't here. She thought she could just leave their family without saying goodbye? Not even to him? He thought they were the bestest of friends!

Mother was so sad. He hates to see her sad. She deserves an apology from the girl for causing so much trouble for them.

He'll find her and then they can be a family again! Everyone will be happy. Especially him. She was his favorite after all.

Looking out towards the north, his gloved hand traced the bloody fabric in his pocket while the other slipped his skull mask on. A skull that held two mishappened black horns and a bandana covering its mouth.

"You can't run from me forever." He whispered, biting his lip with excitement.


Author's note:

Just wanted to do a quick check in. What do you guy's think of the story so far?

I'm pretty excited to continue writing and I'll have plenty of time to do so on my spring break next week.

A week without class😩

Anyways, I hope you all are having a good day/night. Make sure to drink some water too!

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