Chapter 54 - The Interrogation

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Violence Warning ⚠️

     Xed's eyes slowly opened up. His head felt so clouded and dizzy.

     He lifted his eyes up slightly and saw that he was sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. His arms were suspended above his head and felt the rusty metal of cuffs keeping them bonded.

'Well, what do we have here?' He thought.

"We could start making a plan b if things go south." Came the voice of that annoying human girl.

      Xed glanced over at the cot and saw the two girls sitting together and keeping low voices. (Y/N) would take glances at the halls every few seconds with a worried look while B drew out some boxes and lines on the dirty wall into what looked like a map.

"The old man says that there are several ways out of this place but most can lead us to getting caught. Our best option should be a tunnel underneath the building." B spoke.

      (Y/N) glanced at the map B was drawing. There was a tunnel under the building? Why was it ringing bells in her mind?

"It's in Zankora's quarters."

      Both girls jumped and immediately turned to see that Xed was awake and smirking at them. "Leads all of the way deep inside the forest. You should know about it, my sweet~."

       That nickname was starting to become more distasteful than it already was. (Y/N) narrowed her eyes at him. "What do you mean..?"

"It's what you disappeared into when you escaped." The grey eyed demon chuckled. "I'm not sure how you found it, but you left the door torn down and a blood trail in your path. You were such a monster that day, my sweet~."

      She escaped through the tunnel? But he said that it was in Zankora's quarters. How could she even make it there?

      As if he could read her mind, he decided to indulge her confusion and shock even more. "But I still wonder how you got out. I made sure to lock you up pretty tight."

      Even he doesn't know..?  Xed has been the main one who's watched over her and kept her chained up here but even he doesn't know how she escaped?

"Alright, enough of this." B said. She stood up from the cot and went over to Xed, crouching down just a few feet from his reach. "You're going to tell us what we want to know."

       But Xed ignored her. His eyes moved around the cell noting that one certain individual was missing. He focused on (Y/N) when she moved to crouch next to the human girl. "Where's the doctor, my sweet?"

"None of your concern." (Y/N) muttered as her eyes hardened on his.

"Let me guess." Xed grinned. "He's looking for a way out? He's leaving you again? And you think you can trust him again?"

       He got a cute little reaction out of her. She growled at him while her claws gripped slightly into her jeans. "He's not leaving!"

"And how do you know for sure?" Xed pushed, his grin growing wider and evermore malicious. "You're so naive, it's adorable."

"Hey!" B snapped her fingers to get his attention and held a stern tone with him. "Stop that. You're going to tell us what we want to know and you're going to tell us now so listen up."

      When Xed looked to B, his face fell flat into an uninterested and uncaring expression before he went back to smirking at (Y/N). "Whatever you're planning to do, it isn't going to work. But I'm always happy to play prisoner for you~."

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