Chapter 40 - The Peace

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     Waves crashed against rocks and the smell of river water wafted through the air.

     Seagulls flew around and poked and prodded at the crates being set down by the Zone, one even trying to make off with one of the food bags. (Y/N) watched a Capturer kick the bird away, hoping they didn't get bad luck from it.

      Following the plan, the Zone found a small park next to the river a couple blocks away from the island. Not much was going to be unloaded. Once contact and negotiations with the Outsiders were done, they were going to start heading north. Hearing it made (Y/N) nervous, knowing they were going to be heading for the asylum. But if she was going to avenge her community and prevent any more pain from happening, then she needed to be a part of this.

      She sat a top a carrier to be able to get a view of the distant island. She used her hand to shade her eyes from the sun and observed the large land positioned in between two cities. Even after how deep the Zone has went, there was still so much more on the other side of the water.

       The cities were so dense and cramped together. You can't even walk a few feet without running into another skyscraper. How could people have lived like this?


      (Y/N) looked down to see her friend hopping onto a crate and using it to climb onto the carrier. B had binoculars strapped to her belt that she pulled off and brought them up to her eyes to peer at the island.

"That's the place? Looks abandoned." She observed.

"That's only from the outside." (Y/N) spoke. "It's a trick."

"Mom, you better be right about this..." B whispered to herself.

     Approaching the Outsiders was a bit risky considering how they felt about Zones. (Y/N) wanting to tag along to help was even more risky. She's a demon now but she's still a Topsider at heart. She just hoped their leader was the understanding type.

      (Y/N) looked back up at B as the Capturer pulled the device away. "Are you going with them?"

      B nodded as she took a seat next to her. "Of course. Me and Tyr are gonna be on the 'look tough' team while Mom and Dad talk with them. Makes me nervous."

      Her parents, both of them. They were to be the main ones to make contact with the Outsiders. The stories that B has heard, rumors too, one thing could go wrong and her parents would be in the middle of it.

      (Y/N) saw this anxiousness on her face. Her mom was the Head Keeper and her dad, the Chief. But they were still her parents.

       She placed a reassuring hand on B's shoulder. Hoping that it'll help calm her worries. "They'll be fine. The Outsiders aren't as barbaric as people think."

"Says the demon who they'll gladly use your hair as a wig." B joked but she appreciated the comfort.

      On the ground, the Chief was beginning to round up a team for the Outsider job. He gave his orders, what to do if things went south and what to do while they were gone. As (Y/N) watched, she could see the same tenseness on everyone else's face. They were all worried.

       As the only Topsider here, it made (Y/N) want to go even more. They needed someone who can relate to the Outsiders. Someone who can understand them in a way a Ground dweller couldn't. Most importantly, they needed an example of what the Elitists can continue to do if they weren't stopped.

"So... about what happened in the carrier?" B started. "You're sure you don't think I'm crazy?"

       (Y/N) turned toward her. "No. What was that about, anyway?"

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