Chapter 41 - The Note

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Finished a wip I had of Yama and I made sure to remember to show you guys here lol

(But if you follow my tiktok and insta *wink wink* then you may have seen it earlier. *cough* @senpaililas on both *cough*)

Also this chapter is a bit longer than usual so strap in.

It was time.

Time to make contact with the Outsiders.

(Y/N) couldn't lie that she was nervous. After she and B awoken from... whatever B calls it, she learned that they had only been under the trance for at most a minute. It felt longer than that when they were inside.

But once the Chief, Jules, announced that they were preparing to leave for the island, (Y/N) quickly went to find the Head Keeper regarding her coming along.

It took some time to convince the older woman. (O/N) understood the demon girl's reasonings for wanting to come but it just felt dangerous considering who the Outsiders were. But after some pushing and reasoning, (Y/N) was able to convince the older woman to let her come. Except...

She had to stay in the truck. This wasn't (O/N)'s orders, it was Jules.

If getting approached by a Zone wasn't already bad enough, if the Outsiders saw them traveling with demons it would make their case look all the more worse. That's why Dog, Tuca, Vam, and Yama weren't coming.

But Jules saw the benefit to having (Y/N) there. He just didn't want her upfront. If he decides that her case is needed, he'll let her come out.

Before they left, however, (Y/N) she wanted to tell Yama about what she was doing. She imagined he wouldn't be too pleased about it but she still wanted to tell him. It's just...

She couldn't find him.

There wasn't much time to look for him before the small Zone group began making their way to the island but the camp wasn't huge. Finding the doctor should've been quick. She wasn't able to search for long but he should be back by the time she returns. Maybe he was out doing something again.

(Y/N) sat in the very last truck with B and Tyr. Her hand held the rails as the vehicle bumped every now and then. She was watching the passing city while the cousins played rock, paper, scissors next to her.

"Rock, paper, scissors- SHOOT!"

B threw up rock while Tyr had scissors. He groaned dramatically while B laughed, having lost to her several times in a row.

They looked up at her and glared. "How do you keep winning?! This isn-"

B's eyes were slightly glowing but they quickly dimmed as Tyr widened his eyes. "You're cheating!"

"Pshhh no I'm not! You just suck." B scoffed but couldn't help her mischievous smile.

"You're reading my mind again! That's cheating!"

"You're being delusional."

"And you're being a cheater!"

B rolled her eyes and turned to the demon girl. "(Y/N), tell them that I'm not cheating."

But (Y/N) didn't answer. She was staring into the buildings of the city with the usual downcast expression she's come to adopt. She was lost in thought.

Tyr leaned close to B's ear and whispered. "Is she ok?"

B sighed as she could take a guess about what was causing her friend's sullen state. "That doctor guy."

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