Chapter 113

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Mike blinked as he looked at the two of us before he turned around to run away. But Eddie, being Eddie, didn't let that happen and he started to run after Mike. I decided to run after them, I wasn't as fast as them, I knew that, I would never be as fast as those two, but I could keep up well enough to not lose them. Eddie was faster than Mike and after a while, he grabbed Mike by his shirt and smashed him against the wall that was here and I reached him.

"Don't don't." The voice stated and I frowned hearing his voice- this- his voice was different, slightly different, the same way that Eddie and Eric had different voices, but they still sounded the same. I stared at Mike and my eyes widened as tears appeared in my eyes as Eddie still had him against the wall and Mike was staring at Eddie in fear. "It's not what you think?"

"It's not what we think? I saw the video of you being murdered over and over and over again for hours, trying to see how on earth that was- how." Eddie started and he was furious. I grabbed Eddie's phone from his bum and I sent my location to Matt and Eric with an extra ring tone and an 'sos' signal and I put his phone back, my hands shaking. "And now you're not dead? How on earth are you still alive? I saw that bullet go in your head over and over again? She saw you decompose? Or was it some sort of trick? How are you back here? Why didn't you contact us?" He yelled and tears appeared in Mike's eyes as he looked at Eddie and he then looked at me and his eyes widened as he suddenly realised who I was.

I heard people running over and I just looked into those brown eyes, the brown eyes I had fallen in love with, the brown eyes that I had missed so much. How could he have lied to all of us? How could he have pretended he was dead? Was he in on whatever happened? Was he in the airplane when we got out, and he got out on the other end and ran away while I was shooting Eric and Eddie? How was this possible.

Mike's eyes went from me to behind me and his eyes widened in even more shock and I turned my head and Matt whom had run was now slowly walking and Eric did the same thing. Oliver, Sammy and Elijah had run with and they were staring at this situation in total and utter shock.

"Mike?" Matt breathed and I looked back at Mike and his eyes were wide and tears were in his eyes and he kept shaking his head; had he been through as much shit as I had or?

"I'm not." Mike started as he looked back at me and he gulped. "I'm not Mike. I'm the son of James, the bastard of King Hugo. James looked a lot like Luther, he was the white Luther." He stammered looking at me. "I got into a car accident when I was 16 years old. After the war, Luther called my father and told him to make sure that I never meet one of you guys, because of this reaction. I was in a car crash when I was 16 years and I lost my arm. I look a lot like my father, I know I do. I know I look a lot like Mike. I know. But I'm not him. I swear." He said and he looked at Matt now and then back at me and I looked at him and tears were gushing down my cheeks. Eddie released his grip and he took a step back.

"You look and act exactly like him." Eddie replied back at him. "I want your identification, because if you're lying I will-." He said and Mike- not Mike nodded and his hands were shaking as he then grabbed his wallet and he grabbed out his identification card.

"My name is Zack Locatlie. I'm the youngest son of James. I'm 24." He stammered looking at me and he gulped. "Please pardon me." He whispered, pleading it to me, in the same way Mike would talk. But I couldn't focus- all I could think about was seeing Mike in front of me being shot, before his body rotting, before his eyes had disappeared, those eyes I was currently looking at. I looked at him and I took a couple of steps back as my whole body was shaking. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't. How was this possible?

"How is this possible? You talk the same way, you have the same eyes, the exact same eyes?" I whispered looking at him. "You even run the same way, you move the same way. You're exactly like him?" I whispered. "You're Mike. You're Mike." I repeated over and over again.

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