Chapter 91

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Kitty P.O.V

"LET. ME. GO." I screamed at Oliver over and over again before he placed me down, after having locked a door and I pushed him. "Let me go to Eddie. He needs me."

"What he needs right now is doctors and a psychologist to check out where his mental capabilities are. I don't know if you heard, but he thinks he's twenty something right now." Oliver said but I didn't want to listen. I kept pushing him and begging him. He stood there, as some sort of guard in front of a locked door, and he took all the punches that I threw at him.

Another door opened after a while and I heard it lock, I turned my head and it was King Christian whom was staring at this situation in shock, but I didn't care about that. All I wanted was to get back to Eddie. I hadn't- I needed to be with him. He needed to be with me.

I screamed over and over again to Oliver, whom accepted it, staring ahead without an emotion on his face; his public pokerface. "LOOK AT ME ASSHOLE. BRING ME TO HIM." I yelled to him over and over again but he didn't look at me. He just let me stand there for what felt like hours, and probably was, yelling at him, sobbing, panicking, and trying to get through. At one point I was almost successful, but he then grabbed me from the back and I tried to fight him, kicking and fighting him.

"LET GO OF ME. I NEED TO BE WITH EDDIE." I yelled at him, elbowing him in the face. He then literally threw me to King Christian whom grabbed me and held onto me, but it didn't work. I had to get free. I had to get free. I had to be with Eddie. Eddie needed me.

"Eddie needs me." I screamed over and over again until my voice gave out and I burst out into sobs until my throat literally hurt, until everything hurt. I needed Eddie. Eddie needed me. He needed me.

After a while I fell asleep in King Christians arms and he just held onto me intently tightly. I woke up some time later when the doors opened again and I wanted to stand up right way but Christian held me down.

"Why are you holding our wife?" Matt demanded and I looked out the window and it was dark out, it wasn't dark when I woke up and saw Eddie. "What happened to your face?" He demanded to Oliver.

"Your wife." Oliver said dryly as he was staring ahead. Eric walked up to me as I tried to fight Christian, whom didn't let go of me. He grabbed my face.

"Sweetie, look at me." Eric said and I shook my head. "Calm down. Take deep breaths. Look at me." He said "Matt." He said after a while as I was still trying to fight and I wouldn't look at Eric. Matt walked up to me and he grabbed my face hard and forced me to look at him and I was afraid of his hands, but he didn't let go. I stared into his brown eyes and I calmed down slightly. He forced me to look t him, and I couldn't move my head even if I wanted to.

"Look into my eyes and you're allowed to look away the moment you're calm. Do you understand that?" Matt said and I felt tears rolling down my cheeks as I stared into those darned brown eyes with a small green speckle in it and he took deep breaths with me to calm down. "Are you calm?" I shook my head and he nodded. "Do you think we can let you go without you running to Eddie?" I shook my head and he nodded slowly at that. "Do you think you can listen to everything and then make up your mind?" I shook my head. "Why not?"

"He needs me, I need him." I whimpered looking at him and he nodded slowly looking at me and he looked above me for a second and gave a nod as I felt someone let go of me, and I wanted to move, but Matt then put his knees on my legs. "Please don't hold me against my will." I whimpered.

"I'm doing this for your safety, but most of all, Eddie's safety." Matt said looking at me. "You are currently a risk to his mental state, you are a risk to his health. Do you understand that?" I shook my head as I was sobbing now and he took a deep breath as he wiped the tears from my face. "Look at me." He demanded in his king voice and I stared at him and I just, I was in so much pain, I wanted to be with Eddie. I needed Eddie. I needed Eddie.

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