Chapter 87

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They made a public announcement a week after the attack, that King Edward had been gravely injured and that he was being watched 24/7 and getting the best care in the world. In the same statement it stated that King Oliver had been inaugurated for King of Locatlie until things had been more clear, but that there was no planning of a wedding between King Oliver and Queen Katherine, me, any time soon. The whole world was in shock, especially after Oliver posted a picture of Naomi literally hours before the attack, making the two of them public. It had been an amazing picture. The two of them were on a hike and both had the biggest smiles on their faces while looking out at some view. His arms were around her, it was an amazing picture.

He had deleted it ever since.

Naomi and him had a talk and she decided that for the time being, to protect her own heart, that she'd go to Yordan. I would want to talk her out of it, tell her everything would be all right, but I couldn't leave Eddie's side. It was selfish of me, but I couldn't; if he woke up, or if he died because nobody was around him when he needed help. I could never forgive myself.

Matthew, Eric and Oliver were in meetings all day, almost every day ever since his attack, they didn't visit often. Although they might have visited whenever I was asleep. I didn't mind as much.

Olivia was here a lot too, she would sit on the other side and help the nurses clean him, she talked to him, and told him everything that he'd want to hear about what was going on in the world. Christian came in every now and then and told in detail about what he did in Gotar, hoping that he'd wake up. I liked hearing the details too; as he had been given permission from Matthew, Oliver and Eric to fuck the shit out of Amar. 


Eric was heartbroken and in pain constantly but apparently working, at least that's what I heard form Olivia; whom told me all the gossips while also telling Eddie.

I hadn't seen my two husbands in three weeks, or rather I wasn't awake if they did visit. It was fine though.

I went to the bathroom one night and when I came back, I saw that Oliver was sitting on the couch and he looked at me, before he looked back at Eddie. I went and sat down on my spot. They had changed it from a horrid chair to a bed where I could sit. They realised I wouldn't leave Eddie's side, and I wasn't planning on doing ever.

"Hey." Oliver said after a while, he sounded nervous. I was laying next to Eddie, my head on his arm and I was holding onto his hand with both of my hands. I could see Oliver from my position, and he was staring at Eddie and I with nerves.

"Hey." I breathed back carefully as I looked at him. "How are you?"

"Exhausted." He said and I nodded carefully. "I miss her." He breathed. "But I understand her." He said and I nodded carefully. "Have you heard from her?"

"No. She hasn't contacted me. I'm part of your life, I think it's too much for her right now." I said and he nodded looking at me as he wiped some tears away.

"I'm sorry that you've sort of lost her now, especially when you need her the most. I should never have-."

"No." I said shaking my head. "You can- that's not fair to yourself. You couldn't have known." I said looking at Eddie and I put a strand of his hair away from his eyes. "How could you have known that this would happen?"

"I didn't, but still- I shouldn't have let my heart get carried away."

"I love your passion." I said as I looked back at Oliver. "It's my favourite thing about you, and your ability to always say the right thing." He nodded carefully looking at me. "Although you were shit at that when you were younger- when we were younger, although you were still always right with the things you said."

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