Chapter 103

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We decided to go back around 4 in the afternoon, having chilled at a 'private' beach situation, or rather a beach where there was nobody there. When we got back, I went towards Matt's hut and he was seated outside on 'our' private deck, reading a book and he looked up and he put his book away right away and stood up.

He wrapped his arms around me and I held onto him tightly and I couldn't cry anymore, I had cried out all my tears for the day. He rubbed my back and then my arms before he took a step back and looked at me.

"I'm so fucking sorry." He breathed looking at me. "Like, so, fucking, sorry." He sighed and I grabbed his hands and I leaned forward pressing my lips onto his and he kissed me back with the same hunger I kissed him. He walked towards the wall here with me and I felt my body against it, he grabbed my face with one hand and with the other he grabbed my leg and pulled it up against his body slightly. I had my hands on his chest and I moaned while we were kissing, cause fuck, his lips were intense. He kissed my neck before kissing down, leaning down and pulling me up slightly so he could kiss my breasts better and he slid my bikini to the side. I put my head back as I put my hands in his hair and pulled on it slightly. After about half a minute he kissed back up towards my lips and we made out wildly for a bit. He let go of his lips and he looked at me. Our chests went up and down as I looked at him, and I knew I looked hopeless, but I didn't care. Matt stared at me for a couple of seconds, going from one eye to the other.

"I love you." He breathed. "Do you know that? I love you. You're the only one for me and will be the only one for me. Even if I lose all my fucking memories, the moment I laid eyes on you, you were the one for me, and you will always be the one for me. Do you get that?" He siad nad I nodded as I felt tears appear in my eyes. "You and I for always, Me amore."

"Yeah." I said nodding and he rubbed his nose against mine and gave me a peck.

"Want to have a private dinner?" He asked, as I was still against the wall that was here, in his arms.

"No. I want to shower, then get dolled up and have dinner with your siblings." I said and he nodded as he gave me a couple of pecks before he put me down.

I went towards the 'bathroom' area that was here and I took a very long shower, before I walked out with just my towel and Matthew was staring at me, wearing a pair of shorts and a polo. He looked good. I smiled looking at him as he winked back at me. I grabbed my underwear and a bra and I put them on behind the closet, so I wouldn't lead him on too much. I then put the towel around me.

"You can walk around half naked, or even naked around me. You wouldn't be leading me on or anything, you do know that right? You don't have to worry about that." He said and I stared at him for a second and I let out a breath and I nodded. "But, if it makes you uncomfertable-"

"No. I just, don't- I just don't want to lead the two of you on. It's not fair." I said and he smiled looking at me.

"You won't lead me on. I know you're not ready." He said and I nodded looking at him as I then dropped the towel. "Kitty!" He gasped putting his hand to his heart and I laughed as I grabbed the towel and threw it at him and he chuckled at that and I shook my head.

I looked through the closet that was here at the dresses that I had and I decided on a black one that looked good, so I took my bra off again, and threw it towards Matt whom laughed at that and I put the dress on and I turned around and twirled around and he whistled.

"You're so corny."

"You make me corny." He reminded me and I chuckled and nodded looking at him. I put on some sandals and I then put a bit of mascara and bright red lip stick on my lips.

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