Chapter 56

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"Matt?" I heard a voice state as I had literally just gotten out of the shower.


Couldn't I get one fucking second of a break?

 I had a towel wrapped around my waist and was using another towel to dry my hair. I looked in the mirror, my light hair going all over the place now, and my brown eyes staring back at me. I turned my head and Danny walked in and her eyes were slightly widened. I would've thought it was because of my body, but when I heard the news a couple of moments later I'd know it wasn't because of that.

"Ever heard of privacy?" I asked as I walked past her and she stood there. "And don't gawk at me. I'm your brother." I said with a joking tone and she looked at me for a second and slowly nodded. "What's up?"

"I'll wait until you're dressed." She said as she went and sat on my bed and I stared at her with a raised eyebrow. "I'm serious. I'm going to wait until you're dressed. You aren't going out of here without clothes on."

"Obviously." I said calmly as I put on a pair of underwear, her seeing my bum, but I didn't care about that. I turned around as I started putting on a pair of neat black pants. "What is going on? You look like you've seen a ghost? Did you have one of the dreams again?"

Ever since Mike and Lottie died, both Danny and I had dreams about us being with our respective other halves talking about things, or about them being tortured, or just being in their presence. It was fucking exhausting really. 

But then again, losing your twin was fucking exhausting.

I closed my pants as I waited for her to answer, she was staring ahead taking the question in before she blinked. "O yeah. But that's not what this is about." She said and I nodded as I grabbed a simple buttoned up shirt and I closed it, all the while she was staring at me in a weird look. Seriously, fucking weirdo.

"I'm dressed. What's going on?"

"Shoes first." She said pointing down to my bare feet.

"Are you fucking-" I started and I gave her my king look but she gave me her 'Gotar' look back and I sighed but nodded as I put on my socks and my shoes. "Here. Fine. I'm dressed. What the fuck is going on?" I said "Why are you bothering me at?" I stated as I started putting on my watch. "Six in the fucking morning."

"Eddie got a call about an hour ago." She said carefully looking at me and I stared back at her and I nodded looking at her as I put my hands on the leaning of the bed, holding myself up and leaning forward. She was sitting on my bed, like where I sleep, but I wasn't bothered really. "From a foreign number, but it was his private number so you know- it was like when they called her." She said and my eyes widened right away. 

I wanted to walk away right away and go wherever I needed to be- wait calm down. 

I had no idea what the information was, or if I was too late. 

Or where I had to go. 

Calm down Matt. 

Keep your Kinghead on. 

Not your 'I miss my wife and would kill the whole fucking world' head on.

"And?" I said as she was taking a long dramatic pause, something I totally did not have the time for, well I had the time, but not the patience.

"They're bringing her home Matt." She said in a very calm voice, but her voice was filled with emotion, tears appearing in her eyes.

"What?" I breathed looking at her as I stood straight.

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