Chapter 69

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I went through the woods that were here, biking as fast as I could through the different paths, not caring if I could fall nor if it would hurt. I had to escape my own mind, and the biking helped me. After a while I stopped at this amazing place with a bench overviewing Yordan. It was one of my favourite spots in the world at the moment. I grabbed some of the food that I had brought with me on my back and I crossed my legs and stared out at the city that was currently living.

"Can I join you?" Someone asked after a while, I had not even noticed someone coming up. I turned my head and the eyes that I had dreamt of for ages was standing in front of me.

I saw the beard on his face and a small smile appeared on my face, he looked great with a beard. He was great. "Eric." I said and a small smile appeared on his face as well as he nodded looking at me. "Of course. I should've known you would be here. We used to bike together." I said with a small smile as I looked back ahead. "You showed me this spot once right?"

"I did." He said as he went and sat down next to me and he grabbed his bag as well. "I heard that you had a visitor this morning?" He said carefully and I nodded.

"It wasn't intended or anything."

"I know." Eric said and I smiled a bit at that; of course he knew. "Still, I'm happy that you got to sleep well for probably the first time in forever yes?"

"How did you know?" I asked as I turned my head to look at him. I knew that there were two copies, whom were both annoyingly handsome. But Eric, he had something special. Eddie was more rugged, more brutish, more sexy so to speak. While Eric? He was just annoyingly perfectly handsome. It- he was stunning really. I could see why I fell for the four of them years ago with just his face.

"Does it surprise you that I know that you've slept shit after you've been through so much trauma?"

"It surprises me that you know that I slept well for the first time in forever with Ed by my side." I replied and a small smile appeared on his face.

"You always sleep best in his arms. You've always done that." He said staring ahead. "I guess it's the fact that he stands for protection or something? Your subconscious feels the most at ease and peace."

"Wait what?" I said and he smiled.

"With me you barely sleep because I'm too comfortable, with him you always used to get distracted and you'd fall asleep from exhaustion and be so deep in sleep you'd forget to be calm." He said staring out at the city. "And Matt's eyes always distracted you, although he's a close second with Ed. With Eddie, you'd lay down and fall asleep within seconds, with a smile on your face, always."

"O. Yeah, I didn't know that. I just sleep." I said and he chuckled looking at me as I took a sip of my drink and I let out a deep breath. "Oliver is fucking my best friend."

"I know. I've heard."

"You've heard?"

"I've heard. I heard them having sex this morning and turned around and decided to take a bike ride." He said. "I've been here for hours though."

"Makes sense." I said staring ahead. "I don't know what I feel about Oliver and Naomi. I asked Matt to not allow them to get married, for him to vote against, if I'm not ready yet. Does that make me a bad person?"

"Yes." Eric said with a huge smile and I chuckled looking at him as he stared at me. "But it makes sense. She's your safety right? She's the person that you rely on. Oliver knows that she's important to you and he's not quick to get married. So you'll have her for at least another year."

"Makes sense." I said and he smiled looking at me and I let out a deep breath. "I'm happy Oliver is happy though. At least I think so? They're talking about visiting one another and stuff like that, so I'm sure they're happy."

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