The End

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I dedicate this chapter to HeLLoYoUPreeTTy XXxFlickaxXX mariee107 aboutnici QueenLeNz38 simranghanghas23 Black_Rose1912 Sohrab4566 RyanMousie
____QIM____ RukmaniGarg bfuffduhhur hsharma22222 bellevie12 Akol325 MachaWw BlessingSass KhyatiAgarwal134 Gsgbsbsbhaj Seanb92 Sohrab4566 FikileSabongo and those forgot to mention. Thank you for your support and love, your comments and votes had encouraged me more than you know.

Just a slight heads up, I'm not quite satisfied with the story and I plan to revamp it (later), to add more chaos since it just seems very bland from my point of view and run on with flashbacks every other chapter. I plan on adding more scenes between Lillian and Issac and even Jason to show he had other traits than being a idiot and to showcase his smartness and delete unnecessary scenes.

The overall plot might remain more or less similar but definitely different. You don't have to reach the story again, just thought I might give yall a heads up since you've showed immense patience with me.

Thank you all once again!!! 😊❤






Kiara's heels clicked away anxiously at the cold marbles, sitting in the same place and position Sean had felt her couple hours earlier, biting her nails with her eyes sealed shut accompanied by a racing heart that just won't die down.

Fresh waves of dread hit her as she anxiously awaited for someone to- interrogate her? Take her statement? Gaslight her? Rape her? Kill her?

Every footstep of people walking by her busy with their own life sent chills down her spine. The gazes of strangers burnt through her skin, igniting an uncomfortable itch of trepidation.

Where they eyeing her? Thinking how her body would look under the oversized suit she wore. How she'd look in nothing but a swim suit? If she can give them a lap dance?

Were they.... getting 'excited'. Down there. Creaks formed in her eyelids as she clenched them shut.

The clicks and clacks of heels some wore, egged her- irritated her, made her uneasy, reminded her of the baton her incarcerator held as he made rounds every night, sometimes showing women and men around the foul smelled dungeon that she didn't even know held how many man and women- causing her mental distress. She broke out in cold sweat as she once again found herself waking in the cold dark chamber- a prison cell- all over again for the first time.

Letting out a groan as she pushed herself off the concrete slate of bed, her eyes directly went to a chamber with metal polls- like prison cells with little shape- it held an unconscious women and two others in doctor clothing.

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