Chapter 20

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The rest of the night was uneventful other than some embarrassing childhood stories.

And by 12 everyone was in their bedroom. The drunken teenagers' parents or drivers came to pick them up, some parents were embarrassed to see their child drunk out of their mind and apologized profusely to Benjamin- who just waved his hand dismissively, saying kids will be kids. Stacy went to bed as soon as the kids' parents started arriving due to back pain.

After everyone left Benjamin took a few deep breathes before he opened the door to Lillian's room. He felt guilty because he wasn't there to save her. Her face resembled that of his daughter and it haunted him to think that Riley would've been like that if she wasn't taken away from her biological parents.

Suddenly he felt grateful- grateful that Riley didn't have to live there even for a day at the same time he felt bad, bad that Lillian had to go through so much.

What else did she go through?
How come no one noticed what was going on?
Or were her family part of it too?

He shuddered just thinking about it.

"You're still awake." Benjamin said as a matter of fact, stepping into the gues- her room which was still illuminated with a yellow light bulb, making the glitters on the wall sparkle in a gorgeous golden glow.

Lillian turned around from the computer as he said those words, and looked at him with her head tilted to the side as if to say 'what are you doing here?'.

"Is that... are you stock analyzing?" He asked surprised, looking at the computer screen which had multiple polygon frequency in different colors on it.

It didn't look like it was from an app. It looked like she created it.

Lillian nodded her head, confused. What's the big deal? She wondered.

"You can do that? Since when have you been doing it?" He bombarded her with questions, walking towards the computer to closely analyze the data.

Lillian- who was pushed away from the computer by Benjamin- shrugged her shoulders, fidgeting with the strands sticking out from her pants.

It's not like it was a big deal. She googled how to do it at first and then it was easy to make the rest of the data.

"Oh my I could ask you to work for me with your knowledge." He gushed out, straightening his posture after thoroughly looking at the data she put together to see if he could find any mistake. Only to find out there was none!

Lillian raised her eyebrow at that. She didn't think she was THAT good for her to work in his company. Benjamin was the owner of several hotels.

She didn't know he was the owner of one of the most thriving hotel chains and several other companies till she had a conversation with her sister- who revealed what her dad did proudly.

And then there was Lillian, did she even know what her father did? She knew he runs a business and is successful but other than that, she wasn't sure about anything else.

It disappointed her to know the complete contrast situation of their lives.

But then again it's not like anyone went out of their way to hide her father's profession. She just wasn't interested in communicating with anyone and completely isolated herself from the world.

She remembered once when Lucy asked her to tag along with her and her brother to a bowling center, she declined the offer though she had played the game when she was a server in one of the places with said game.

She liked playing that game, she truly did but she didn't want to play with anyone. She couldn't explain it, it's just.... she didn't want anyone in her world.

"Wait! You can work in my company as an intern." Benjamin exclaimed with a glow in his eyes. He reminded her of Issac, he had a glow in his eyes when he was talking about something he was excited about too.

Lillian raised her eyes at that.

Work as an intern at his company? She was sure she wasn't qualified.

Thinking about it she shook her head.

"No, give it a try. I have an investing company, I can hire you if you are good. Make a presentation and come to my office next week and if you manage to impress me. You got the job!"

He said excitedly. Though Lillian thought she wouldn't get the job, she didn't want to disappoint him by saying 'no'.

So she just muttered a 'fine' and watched him leave.

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