Chapter 22

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"Awww doesn't she look adorable." Stacy cooed, wrapping her arms around her newborn granddaughter and picked her up from her son's clutches.

Steve and his girlfriend- Alice Wonderman- recently gave birth to a baby girl which the entire family absolutely adored.

"You always pick her up. Give her to me." Riley whined, standing beside her mother with her hands on her hips.

"Lillian doesn't she look cute?" She asked her, tilting the newborn's head to the side so Lillian can take a proper look at her while supporting her neck.

Stacy looked over her shoulder to see Lillian's reaction and somehow even Steve and Alice seemed eager to hear what she'd say too.

Caught off guard Lillian looked up from her book and looked at the baby which was make gurgling sounds and had saliva dripping down it's chin.

'Well atleast she isn't crying.' Lillian though to herself.

Since everyone looked like they want her response she replied with a 'sure'.

Alice frowned at that and even looked offended.

Steve and Stacy already used to her aloof nature didn't seem too upset.

Riley- not liking her sister's response- took it upon herself to get more then a 'sure' out of her sister. She picked the baby- Sylvie- despite her mom's protest, and went towards Lillian.

Lillian already aware of what's gonna happen felt like her heart was gonna explode and put her book down before leaving the living room and entering her room.

Riley followed her and entered the room before Lillian could close it.

"This isn't going to end well." Stacy said apprehensively.

"Riley should really leave her alone sometimes." Steve said clutching his forehead and sighed.

"Why what's wrong, it's just a baby." Alice beside him asked, crossing her hands over her chest, her eyebrows furrowed.

" how do I put it- cold?" Steve said undecisively. He couldn't put it into words how to describe Lillian.

"She called our child ugly and that's what you say?" Alice asked raising her eyebrow. She then concluded that she didn't like Lillian.

She got bits and pieces from Steve that Lillian was initially kicked out of her house- no surprise there, she is too 'cold'- and is living at his parent's home. And from what she has heard, the teenager is still keeping the family at an arms distance despite living with them for an entire year.

Steve sighed.

"She didn't call our child ugly. And not everyone has to like babies." He said shrugging his shoulders. This seemed to enrage Alice even more.

Sure not everyone likes babies, but do they really have to run out of the room to escape being near one?


Riley took another calculated stepped towards her sister with a wicked smile- dangling the child in her hands but careful as to not hurt her- making Lillian step away from her.

"C'mon Lily, just a kiss." Riley said in a mischievous tone making the infant giggle.

Lillian stepped back hoping to disappear but there was no more place left in the room. There was a chair behind her which she couldn't see and slumped in it and brought her fists closer to her chest, as if pretending it was a shield.

She could hear a buzzing sound in the back of her head and her breathing rate slightly increased.

She could almost feel death nearing her as Riley walked towards her with the baby, the only thing missing was devil horns and tail.

"Riley get out of the room and leave her alone." Said a voice that seemed far far away from her.

Almost like she was under water and the voice was reaching out to her. To save her.

She could hear more voices around her but it wasn't clear as she was trying to calm her racing heart.

She needed help, she realized. This wasn't normal. She had to talk to someone.

"Are you OK?" The one that saved her said kneeling in front of her, placing a hand on her knees.

Unable to get a word out with all thoughts running through her head, she nodded.

But no, she wasn't fine. She had to leave. She NEEDED to leave. She no longer felt safe anymore.

The person that saved her was Issac. Suddenly his touch didn't make her uncomfortable, not even the slight burning sensation she felt when he touched her before.

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