Chapter 42

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I'd like to dedicate this chapter to @Akol325 as their question helped me create a part of this chapter.


"Want me to take the rest of the day off?" Lillian asked looking into his eyes, his pupil has widened.

Issac looked a little hesitant.

"Don't you have work?"

"It isn't much. I can do it later." She replied. She saw how his face morphed from indecisiveness to gratefulness to a small gentle smile.

He watched her back disappear as she entered the building and released a breath he was holding.

She had a past he couldn't help but feel sorry for but he was glad she came out strong. It irritated him that she'd defend the piece of shit that didn't deserve to be to a father let alone her father.

He wanted to change her past, replace every pain she had to go through with bright and happy moments.

'I can't have children.'

That revelation still brought waves of pain to him but it didn't matter to him. Nothing mattered to him as long as she was his at the end of the day.

He then saw her reappear from a distance and opened the door for her.

"Thank you." She muttered under her breath as she got in.

He shut the door before going all the away to the other side and sat on the driver seat.

Lillian normally walked to the apartment or Riley picked her up.

The walk always cleared her mind, giving her a few moments of silence to breath and live in the world she created inside her head. Where she was a princess, a superhero, a mermaid, a paranormal investigator and so much more.

She created a lot of people in her head so she didn't have to interact with others in case she was bored.

"I wanna ask you something. I read this somewhere, do you look for hidden motives behind a person's action?" Issac asked after a minute of silence.

"Don't we all have a hidden motive?" She answered back as she closed her eyes.

"Not necessarily."

"So you are telling me you didn't fight with Stephenie back then to gain brownie points from me?" She asked as she opened one eye to look at him.

He was cool and collected.

"I didn't do it to gain brownie points!" He defended himself.

"You would've done it for everyone then?" Lillian asked him.

Issac pressed his lips into a thin line at her question and passed her a sheepish smile.

"Well they aren't my girlfriend." He said quietly after a few seconds.

"You didn't ask me to be your girlfriend." She teased him.

"Technically, we didn't break up."

"So you cheated one me." She turned her body to look at him, enjoying the discomfort evident on his face. Recalling his dating spree after she ghosted him.

"Goodness, you're evil." He exclaimed out loud.

Lillian gave him a grin before a silence encompassed them and they reached their destination.

She unlocked the door to the apartment and let them both in.

"Kitty!" She exclaimed as she rushed towards the fur ball that laid on the carpet in front of her room. The cat looked at her before turning it's body to lay on it's side, so it was facing away from her.

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