Chapter 65

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Jason's jaw tightened and his hand curled themselves into fists when saw the other man's body slump entirely against the cold table.

He slept.

Christian slept.

When he was just about to reveal something of value. He slept.

His fingers wrapped themselves around the glass container and pretended it was Christian's neck, strangling him for wasting his time. It was an understatement to say he was pissed! He was fuming.

He was THIS close to get Lillian out of the way for good and Christian fell asleep. Haha, how nice was that!

But another loud bang from the middle of the room made him divert his attention. Issac was dragging a dazed Lillian out of the room by her wrist and Alex was on the ground. Jason couldn't exactly see what he was doing since his back was to him but he could see him cradling his left cheek.

Maybe, all hope wasn't lost. He through to himself with a smirk, casually sipping on his tequila. He did- after all- manage to stir a fight amongst the man who'd 'never doubt' his girlfriend and her brother's friend.

Issac, now, could never be accepted into that family. Jason only needed the support of Issac's family now to push them apart. Once it's done, Lillian would get angry- that anger will distract her and THAT'S when he'll remove her from the picture for good.

He'll pull out his investments when their relationship is in tatters if they still choose to be together, that will lead to an argument.

And Lillian who was out all day fighting crimes, would be exhausted when she goes home and tired of listening to Issac- she'd 'accidentally' kill him.

And if that didn't work...

He could just let her dig into him for awhile. It wasn't like she could get anyone to confess to anything anyways. They knew what'd happen even if the slight thought of betrayal crossed their minds. And if she did manage to persuade them, he'd kill the girl. Any girl she ever talks too. And he'd do it over and over again til she learned he wasn't one to be messed with.


It happened in a blink of an eye. One second she felt someone grab her by the waist, her pulse quickened and the next something heavy pressed itself against her lips.

It was wet and the room spun out of her control. She felt nauseous and her head hurt.

And the next she heard people gasp and someone yelling something incoherent. She felt like her ears were underwater, floating in a cold stream, her soul gently drifring away from her mortal body in peace, as she looked at the people around her and the one that held his cheek- where a purple bruise was starting to form.

Then she felt being hauled out of the room by a man in green. Issac. Her senses started to get clouded as she got dragged by the hand, like a lifeless human sized doll.

What happened? Alex kissed her and Issac punched him.

Issac...yea.... she needed to say something.

Or not.

She drifted peacefully, silently, in her head. There was no noice. Or anything.

Just a pink world with pink clouds and glitter rainbow.

The ground was pink. She near felt pink appealing but it looked pretty. Not too dark not too bright or dull. Just a hue of pink that not many fruit or flowers were blessed with, it was a dry and plain terrain.


"Get your lips off of my girlfriend." Issac spat out with venom after punching the assaulter who couldn't even recognize his own girlfriend.

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