Chapter 21

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"Are you ready?" Benjamin asked, sticking his head into her room.

Lillian nodded as she unplugged the USB from her computer and put it in her pocket.

She would be provided with a laptop at the company, Benjamin said.

She went to the dining room to eat her breakfast before leaving with Benjamin to his company.

"Why, don't you look nice!" Riley exclaimed as Lillian sat beside her.

It isn't like Lillian wore something new, she just wore the same outfit she wore everyday. Jeans, shirt and a jacket but Riley made it her everyday habit to compliment her looks.

"She's coming to my company to work as an intern." Benjamin said stuffing his mouth with lettuce.

Stacy glared at him. "You are asking her to work for you? She is 17!" She said, stressing on '17'. Disapproval evident in her tone.

"She's really good at stock analyzing." Benjamin defended himself. Alright Lillian might be the one that is the youngest working member in his company if she got selected, but that doesn't matter since she is talented.

Steve seemed surprised, hearing that.

"I don't care, you are not making a child work." His wife said firmly.

"Why don't we let HER decide, Lillian do you want to work in my company or not?" Benjamin said and turned towards the teenager- who was watching the scene unfold infront of her. She already figured that she won't get the job and the scene infront of her confirmed it.

Though he did say she was talented, Lillian didn't believe his words. She didn't feel like she was talented, it was just easy to do it and that's it. Anyone can do it if they just put in a little work.

"Mom, why don't you want Lillian to work?" Riley asked.

"She is a child." Stacy said, enunciating every word. "Will you work if you were offered a job? Right now."

Riley profusely shook her head.

Stacy then turned to Lillian and raised her eyebrow questioningly.

Lillian simply shrugged, feeling goosebumps rise on her hand. She was getting a lot of attention, she wanted escape the scrutiny but somehow stopped herself from slipping into daydreaming.

"Fine." Stacy groaned out seeing Lillian concentrate heavily on her food alone and not meet anyone's eyes.

"Did you hear that, you can work for dad now." Riley said excited.

Where was Issac? She missed seeing him, occasionally watching him wolf down his food. Then she remembered that he went away for college. The college was closeby but it starts early so he couldn't eat with them.

"Yea." She muttered under her breathe. Whether she gets the job or not was the same to her. If she gets the job then more money if she didn't then more time to daydream.


Lillian got into the car after Benjamin and watched her sister wave at her excitedly.

Lillian slightly waved at her and felt the car move.

In 10 minutes they arrived at their destination.

Lillian slowly got out of the car and followed Benjamin into a room.

He took a seat in one of the chairs and asked her to show him the presentation.

She went to the corner of the room which had a laptop on a stand and plugged the USB, she brought with her, in.

She presented the PowerPoint she made and made sure it was being presented on the white board beside her, and let him read on his own and changed slides every minute or so.

"OK, how about this? Instead of letting me read why don't you read it and explain why I should invest?" Benjamin asked after 3 slides, seeing Lillian was not gonna say anything. Since it's her first time, he will help her out.

Lillian's mouth formed an 'o' shape and she nodded her head.

She went back to the first slide and read the content in it in a low voice.


She then upped her volume- wondering whether she really need the job- but Benjamin was disappointed since all she read was all in the ppt.

"Do not just read from the PowerPoint. Explain it to me why I should invest." He said stressing on 'read'.

Lillian then changed the slide showing a frequency polygon graph.

She can almost feel her heart beat rapidly, she wanted to run away from the room.

Benjamin sighed disappointed. She was good at what she was doing but that isn't enough. She can't convince anyone if she continues being like that.

"Future is full of uncertainties, the stock value can pummel overnight. So we can't rely on that alone, tell me what other benefits I'd get if I were to invest in that company." He asked, he slightly gave up the idea of recruiting her.

She is better than a lot of people in the company but they made up for their incompetence with their speaking ability- which Lillian severely lacked.

"Why don't we try it next week. With better points." He asked her gently.

Lillian immediately shook her head. She didn't want the job anymore, it was way out of her comfort zone.

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