Chapter 9

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Riley squinted her eyes at the girl her brother brought along with him in disbelief.

She stretched her hand out to touch her replica but Lillian dodged it.

Riley looked at her with her mouth slightly open in shock, unable to form a coherent sentence so she said only one word. "How?"

Lillian looked as nonchalant as ever and Issac introduced them both and explained the situation to her.

"What?" She choked out, her voice came out all scratchy. Her nose and eyes turned red, and filled with tears when Issac explained how she might be adopted and Lillian is her biological sister.

"No." Riley firmly stated and she shook her head in disbelief, tears stinging her eyes.

This isn't true. It just....can't be.

She thought to herself feeling a lump forming in her throat.

Issac passed an apologetic look towards her while Lillian remained as cold as one can be but she looked a little uncomfortable too, she has never seen a person cry before in her entire life. Maybe she did a couple times when she was younger but they didn't directly cry infront of her.

So she just stood there awkwardly while Issac stepped towards Riley but Riley pushed him away and ran upstairs, to her room probably.

She watched Issac look at her fleeing figure with a twinge of regret and pain.

She then concluded the siblings had a good relationship. She wondered if Max would look at her like that too if they were in Issac and Riley's shoes.

She pushed that feeling aside and looked at Issac, not sure what she should do next.

Issac passed her a sheepish smile and told her 'Riley will come around', before showing her to the guest room.

"Is it really OK if I were to stay here?" She asked as she entered the room.

It was painted black except for one wall, which was covered in white.

A bed with a black comforter was placed in the middle of the white wall with two brown night stands on both the side of the bed, with a lamp on top of one of them.

A chandelier was hanging on the ceiling. A TV on the wall which she can see while laying on the bed. The room illuminated of a gold light.

The room looked luxurious to say the least.

Issac watched her intently, hoping to capture any emotions she was willing to show or didn't mask properly, to his disappointment he found none.

"Do you not like this room?" He asked, a little disappointment. He remembered painting the room excitedly with the help of Riley.

Though Riley got all the praises and credits, he was the one who wanted the room to look that way, and the thought of Lillian not liking it created a strange painful feeling in his chest.

"I like it." She said.

Issac officially hated that tone. It made him wonder whether she had any emotion.

"You will most likely meet my parents tomorrow. Soooo rest well." He said awkwardly and leaned forward to kiss her in the cheek.

Issac's eyes widened as he realized what he just did and mentally slapped himself.

Issac and his family has made it a habit of kissing the family members cheek before bed.

He turned himself and nervously walked away from the guest room to his with heavy feet in embarrassment.

Lillian closed the door as soon as he left feeling her heart pounding in her chest.

She has never felt this way before....and to be honest with herself, she didn't quite like it.

She always envisioned herself melting under the touch of her knight in shining armor. Guess what's why fantasies are called fantasies.

"Are you gonna keep staying here, Clarissa?" King asked.


"His parents will most likely kick me out tomorrow. Maybe then he'll realize that he can't be my knight in shining armor." She explained laying on the bed, the day completely taking it's toll on her.

"Good night." King said gently.


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