Chapter 55

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(Note:- This story is pure fiction and the way the crime was done may or may not be foolproof in real life. But don't try it in real life due to obvious reasons)


Lillian returned home and found the dining table was already set up.

She sniffed the air as a funny smell hit her. It wasn't bad but it wasn't a pleasant one either.

"You're back." Her sister panted out, coming out of her room holding kitty's back to her chest to keep her claws away from her.

"What... is going on?" Lillian asked, puzzled. Her cat had never behaved that way before. Meowing and swinging her claws around with the intent of scratching someone.

"This thing is man crazy." Riley said in an accusatory tone holding the cat infront of her.

The cat, as if understanding Riley said something bad about it, meowed agitated, complaining to Lillian about Riley.

Lillian looked at kitty and then back at her sister and then back at the cat.

"What?" She asked, making a funny expression to convey her thoughts and feelings.

"Alex dropped me here. And guess what!? You're cat saw him and clung to his clothes."

"You brought Alex here?" Lillian interrupted Riley and asked.

"It was only for 5 minutes and it was early in the morning. You were still in Vincent's." Riley explained before looking down at the feral animal in her hand and glaring.

"I had to pry her off of him as he had an important meeting to go to. And she had been sulking ever since-."

"She had been sulking and didn't want to eat." Lillian finished on her behalf, nodding to herself, understanding the situation.

This wasn't the first time it happened so she wasn't surprised. They previously had a model stay right across the hall in one of the apartments, it was when Lillian had newly bought kitty who was only a few weeks old.

Lillian ran into him one day in the hallway with kitty and he had greeted her thinking she was Riley and even ruffled Kitty's fur, making her purr in delight and lick his hand.

Later that day after returning home kitty kept looking at the door, longingly, and refused to eat when Lillian kept it's food next to it. She had then taken it to the vet thinking something was wrong with it- only for the vet to assure her nothing was wrong with Kitty, fortunately.

Lillian was worried but only after it happened again did she realize her cat was just crazy for attractive men who pet it's fur.

"Yea, so I showed a few pictures of Alex in my phone after putting the lasagna in the oven. Right the lasagna!" Riley exclaimed, gently putting kitty down, and went around Lillian to open the oven.

So, that's the smell Lillian smelt!

"Would you mind giving me a hand?" Riley asked with a sheepish smile, showing Lillian her hands, which was filled with kitty's fur.

Lillian shook her head with a smile and reached for the oven mitts.

"I can't believe you were trying to make kitty jealous." She said, putting the oven mitts on and reaching for the container inside the oven.

"I'm offended you'd think I was trying to make her jealous." Riley said, dramatically, placing a hand over her chest making Lillian give her a blank look. "Maybe a little bit. You know I love messing with her, it's so fun."

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