Chapter 41

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"I'm sorry. I didn't want our date to go like this." Issac apologized, holding her tighter to him.

Lillian hummed in response.

"It wasn't that bad." She muttered under her breath, low enough for him to hear.

Issac hid his face in the crook of her neck, breathing in her natural scent.

Lillian patted his back as her eyes wandered across the street through the window.

After a few minutes Issac squeezed her tightly one last time before letting her go and wiping his face.

'It's getting late I'll drop you off at your work." His voice was hoarse from crying.

It wasn't. She still had half an hour more before having to work again.

But she suppose Issac needs some time for himself.

It was weird to Lillian. She couldn't imagine having such a strong reaction to.... well anything, honestly.

Lillian nodded and got up from the seat, followed by Issac.

They walked towards the company in perfect silence. It was a comfortable one.

Issac had a lot on his mind. He opened his mouth occasionally to say something but then closed it as no words came out.

He was still trying to process the information, she supposed.

"What do you think was your most sweetest childhood moment?" He asked as he slowed down to match her pace, so they were walking side by side.

Lillian noticed how he worded the question. It was different.

She recalled how Riley worded the question.


"What was the most touching moment you've experienced in your childhood." Riley asked as she held two working outfit side by side. Comparing them both to see which one would suit Lillian the most.

Lillian leaned towards the mirror as she tried to apply the eyeliner Riley told her too.

Best first impression, she said.
They will surely give you the job if you made yourself more presentable, she said.

"I don't know." Lillian replied as she held eyeliner close to her eyelids.

"Hmm? No moments that you like reliving from time to time?" Riley asked perplexed as she looked at her sister over her shoulder with concern evident in her face.

They must've been really bad to her for her to have no nice memories. She wanted to punch them in their face when she met them.

Lillian was confused. Relive from time to time? Like.... go through the experience once again?

She can't seem to recall having ever done that. How do anyone do that?

She tried to see if she could 'relive' a moment but was left puzzled when she couldn't do it.

She could see it happening as if she was watching a movie she had no control over. But she couldn't feel anything.

Is this called 'reliving' a moment?

"Why would you do that?" Lillian voiced out her question.

Riley shrugged.

"If you were hurt, you just relive the moment over and over again?" It sounded foreign and downright ridiculous.

Riley winced at her words, it was a tone she was gotten accustomed too but the words.... they say enough about her childhood.

"Some people do. You've never did that?"

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