Chapter 3

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A couple weeks passed since her dad came home.

And she still didn't take the initiative to talk to him.

What should she say?

She wondered.

Markus snuck in a couple times at night to do the 'magic'.

She didn't like it a single bit and her body was always sore after that.

She's been spending more of her time in her head with King.

"It looks so tasty." King said, eyeing the cake Lillian was eating. No, not a slice. The whole thing.

It was apparently someone's birthday and it was a chocolate cake. Who doesn't like chocolate!

"It is." She thought licking her lips, making him narrow his eyes in envy.

"You want." She asked swinging her fork with cake infront of him in her head.

"Yes." He said inching closer to take a bite.

"Too bad." She chuckled eating the piece. He groaned in frustration.

'I hate this girl.'

He thought.

She giggled in her head. King isn't true, if someone were to see her giggling to herself they might think she is insane.

Max was walking past her when she jumped out of the chair she was sitting on and managed to slide the plate, with the cake, off the counter so she can keep it in the refrigerator and eat it later.

She accidentally bumped into him, slamming the cake right in his crotch and her head on his stomach.

"Ouch." She said rubbing her head in pain after dropping the plate, spilling the rest of the cake on the ground.

'Just great.' Max rolled his eyes in annoyance and hatred. 'Clumsy bitch.' He thought in hatred.

Lillian's eyes widened when she saw the mess she created.

She tried to remove the cake from his crotch bit by bit when he snatched her hand away roughly.

"Never touch a guy there." He said through gritted teeth.

She nodded vigorously felling tears pool in her eyes, she tried to not sob out.

He let her hand go and looked at the cake and rolled his eyes in disgust when he thought of something.

He facepalmed. 'Great, I'm the best brother.'

He thought sarcastically.

"Happy birthday." He said before leaving the kitchen.

"Idiot." She muttered under her breathe holding her hand in disgust.

"I liked him better when he was ignoring you." King said folding his hand over his shoulder.

Lillian nodded her head.

"I didn't know it was your birthday. Don't they usually throw a party." King said thoughtfully.

"Neither did I. They still don't like me, Markus lied." She thought looking down in despair, feeling her eyes tear up again.

"Yeah, didn't he tell that guys like being touched there." King pointed out.

Lillian fell silent appearing deep in thoughts, her depressed look turning into a frown.


"Look at that gift your dad got for you. Isn't it pretty." Nancy gushed looking at the diamond necklace, on lillian's dressing table, Lillian's dad got for Lillian.

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