Chapter 8

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Lillian tilted her head to look directly at him since he was a few inches taller than her and raised her eyebrows.

But he wasn't able to see it since it was getting darker.

"Soooo." He dragged out scratching his neck, nervously.

Lillian could be the twin of his sister, Riley, so he can't just leave her behind when it's clear that she has been kicked out, recalling the suitcase she was dragging around.

And his parents will surely be thrilled learning about Lillian. Who knows, they might even be proud of him.

"Why?" She asked folding her arms over her chest.

He shrugged his shoulders. Why? That's a good question. Why did he want her to live with him. He could just pretend he didn't see her at all, one less competition for his parents attention.

But there was something about her, he couldn't put his finger on that attracted him to her.

The more he thought he was attracted to her, the more creeped out he was. She was identical to his sister!

"If I were say no." Lillian asked, tilting her chin up.

"Then I drag you there." He simply shrugged. He is a football player in his school after all. He could easily handle a petite girl like Lillian.

Lillian flustered, feeling blush creep up her cheeks. Good thing it was dark, he wouldn't be able to see her face that surely resembles a tomato.

'That' She thought to herself, sheepishly. 'I'm feeling something at last. Time to throw the self diagnose schizoid test out.' She thought to herself in a monotone.

When she was scrolling the internet she came across that term and has since suspected whether she had that disorder or not. She took several self diagnose test and most of the time, the results were the same. High indication of the disorder, consult a therapist.

"Fine." She conceded defeat and gave in. He didn't seem to be lying or he was just good at hiding his emotions.

Her stalker watched her. Surprised he couldn't get any reaction out of her except for the slight blush and he internally heaved a sigh of relief cause he really didn't want to drag her to his home.

"Where are my manners!" He exclaimed and sticked his hands out, hoping for her to take it.

"Hi, I'm Issac. Your twin sister's brother." He said and bent down to place a kiss on her hand as she placed her hand in his.

She quickly snatched her hand away and rubbed the place he kissed her furiously. Like a dog just licked her.

He felt a pang of disappointment and hurt in his heart but he shook it off, thinking he had no right to be hurt over something so trivial.

"Twin?" Lillian asked questioningly, when she no longer felt his saliva on her hand.

"Riley....." He dragged confused and then understood that she didn't know she had a twin. Maybe her family didn't tell her about her twin as it would've hurt her more than done her good.

"Let me take you to my home. I'm sure you will love her." He said stretching his hand out. Lillian hesitantly placed her hand in his. And let him lead her out.


"What?" Laura shrieked looking confused, sad and heartbroken.

Vincent took in a deep breath.

"I'm sorry. She ran away." He said looking apologetically. He couldn't say it's because she was using drugs so he made up a lie to protect his wife's innocent and fragile heart.

"Why?" Laura said, taking a shaky breath and leaned on the sofa to steady herself.

Vincent stepped forward to steady her but stopped when she raised her hand gesturing him to stay where he is.

"I don't know." He confessed. Hating to see her distraught face.

It wasn't long before Laura gave in to her emotions and fell to her knees, crying.

Loud sobs echoing through the house. Vincent kneeled beside her and held her as tight as he could, and let her sob into his chest.

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