Chapter 62

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"What will be my excuse to stay with them?" Lillian asked, if the plan was going to be foolproof everyone should be aware of the reason and the plan.

Riley made a face. Did they really had to come up with a plausible excuse too now? The day seemed to be dragging longer than usual with no end to the tunnel, atleast not one in sight.

"Say the flush is not working." She grumbled out, throwing her hands up in frustration.

"That's a silly excuse." Issac remarked, not before scrunching his face up in disgust.

"And easier to remember." She added- defensive, crossing her arms over her chest- narrowing her eyes at Issac.

"Why not, something along the lines of... she is hiding from her stalker." Issac thought deeply furrowing his eyebrow together as he thought of a good enough reason and waved his hand about as he did so.

"So she's hiding from you." Riley shot back, raising her eyebrow making Issac bit his lower lip with his canine.

"Self. Employed. Private. Investigator."

Lillian simply watched the spectacle in front of her with a disinterested look before leaving them to their fight while she went inside her room to take a shower. She didn't want to trigger Laura's allergy.


While Lillian washed herself, Riley and Issac packed kitty's things in utter silence, Issac occasionally asking Riley where somethings were and ultimately bribing Kitty into the cage.

Issac cleansed his hands properly and wiped his hands on a towel.

"Ohh and by the way. Do not tell Christian what's going on." Riley added as Christian's existence dawned on her.

Issac frowned at the request, not wanting to keep something potentially dangerous from his best friend. "Why not?"

"We can't afford to risk this getting leaked out. What if he said something to someone? Too risky." She asked in an anxious tone before shaking her head, dismissively, not willing to take the risk. A shudder running through her at the mere possibility of the entire mission going to ruins.

"Christian will never do that." Issac objected, defending Christian from the mean assumption. Offended she'd think that low of his friend.

"What if you see it like this. You're hiding this to keep him safe and everyone safe."

"And how am I keeping him safe by lying to his face?" Issac asked, his face muscles twitching as Riley's spoke.

"Christian could reveal something importantly unintentionally to someone. You have no idea how many people are involved in sex trafficking!"

"And what if he reveals something about you both BECAUSE I didn't tell him what's going on?" Issac asked, taking care to place extra emphasis on because. Trying to convey how the situation can be seen through both sides.

"Well then tell him something so he'd know something just to keep him informed. Just not the whole thing." Riley argued back.

She hasn't talked to him in over half a decade, she can't trust him to not spill anything. Issac does trust him unconditionally but what if...

Riley shook her head. She can't be thinking of anything negative. She didn't want to jinx the entire mission by thinking negatively.

"This isn't only about trust, it's also about his ability to turn the situation around. Christian is not either of us, he always had trouble lying." Riley then said, clarifying her intention. While she did want to limit the information to a few people namely Lillian, Issac and her subordinates, she also had other valid reasons to worry about the information being told to another person.

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