Chapter 64

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"Wear the green sequence off shoulder gown. It suits you better." Riley instructed Lillian as the other women showed her the closet through the back camera of her phone. "You'll thank me later." She ended with a wink.

Lillian was not particularly keen on attending whatever event that Laura wanted her to attend but didn't want to dampen Laura's spirits either, so she obliged to her wishes.

She didn't talk much to Vincent since that day when he confronted her about not telling him she was raped and often found him staring at her across the dining table- only times they see each other- but before she could interpret his emotions, he'd look away. She also noticed he had been avoiding eye contact with her ever since.

'Likely ashamed for what a terrible parent he had been so far.' Amanda said nonchalantly with a shrug.

'Stop.' She told her conscience, taking a logical stance on the situation. She had her entire life to process through her childhood while he only got 2 weeks. And it was quite evident he was beating himself up.

Right! Every since that 'conversation' with her father she had been thinking about her life so far.

All her fantasies and almost real life characters she had conjured in her head til date.

While she had grown out of many of them and even regarded some of them as cringe, she wondered why not 'reunite' with some of them. She didn't have much to do all day, either. And broadening her fantasy world... she liked doing that. Interacting with people she had 'control' over.

She also realized living with her parents' was different from living with Riley.

She wondered if the comparison was biased, since the difference arose from them being compared to blood related familiar strangers and Riley. Riley and Lillian had some sort of mutual understanding amongst themselves.

Riley left Lillian to her fantasize most of the time and respected her space while Laura- thinking Lillian was Riley- was the complete opposite.

She was much more energetic and was disappointed in Lillian when she didn't reciprocate her energy.

Lillian looked over her shoulder when she heard a knock on the door.

"Well, talk to you later." Riley said before hanging up.

Today was the day phase 1 of their plan was ought to begin. Casey had gotten in touch with several famous journalists and news reporters and if everything went well, Jason would have an epic shock whilst in the ball.

Lillian threw her phone on her bed right behind her and watched it gently bounce on the bed before settling back on the bed.

Opening the door, her mother's face came into view. She was neatly wrapped in a golden dress that was tugged in at her waist, and hips, and and the golden fabric fell freely from knee down.

The old women frowned when she saw her daughter. "You're not dressed." She said.

"I was going too." Lillian replied with a straight face. The party didn't start for another 2 hours and they wouldn't be leaving for another 1 hour, she had plenty of time to dress up.

Laura didn't look remotely satisfied with her answer and wondered for the umpteenth time what was up with her daughter.

She couldn't explain it, it just..... she was... distant, ever since she came to live with them.

Or has she always been that way and she just turned a blind eye to it- satisfied her daughter was there with her and happy- and it just became harder to ignore since she was now so close to them.

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