Chapter 150: Fortis Kingdom Workers Recruitment Wave-3

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Grand Line, Saboundy Archipelago Island, Area 13.

Area 13 on saboundy Archipelago Island today has changed compared to before. Land that was previously very undesirable by the community to build a place to live and others due to the absence of laws that helped protect this area has now turned into the land that is highly targeted by the community. The price of land in this region even today has reached a very expensive value, namely 1x1 meters worth 10 million berries and this price will continue to rise with the amount of demand increasing. In addition to the price getting more and more expensive, the taxes in the area are also quite high. However, this does not limit people who have good economic conditions from building a place to live there.

Their reason is the security provided in the area.

The current development can be seen in the area. The majority of existing developments in the region are housing. The people who build houses here are mostly people who have good economic conditions. The changes that have occurred in this area cannot be separated from the protection provided by the Fortis Kingdom to the territory.

The Pirate World is extremely cruel. Although a place has been protected by the World Government and the Emperor of the Sea. However, there are still crimes that are certain to occur. However, it is different from this area 13 area.

No one dared to do it.

This is because of their fear of spies from the Fortis Kingdom.

Nowadays the world community has built a perception that all over the place there are spies from the Fortis Kingdom. This caused none of them to dare to mock or commit an act of vilifying the name of the Fortis Kingdom.

"What's wrong, Sonia?" Hancock asked as she stopped the work done by her at the moment in terms of putting together his system of government. The Government System built by Hancock is currently still unfinished. Although Hancock has already compiled every department she wants to build. The obstacle is the choice of who will lead the department.

Currently, in front of her desk, there are documents from the residents of the Amazon Lily Kingdom with these documents recording the abilities and skills of each person there. This data was obtained by Hancock after she asked the residents of Amazon Island Lily to identify themselves using a crystal ball of information provided by Ars earlier.

"We just got the income of new funds, Big Sister," Sandersonia said excitedly, "In the northern part of area 13, there is a land of 200 square meters recently bought by a businessman from West Blue for 2 billion berries. At this time, the land in the territory is full."

"Good" Hancock nodded and continued, "What about the other territories? Is it that at this time every land in every territory is full?"

"Almost" Sandersonia immediately answered him, "The current southern area is only about 15,000 square meters empty, the western region is 12,000 square meters left, and the current eastern region is still 13,600 square meters left" Sandersonia paused and continued, "Senior Sister, do you think we should increase the land price back?"

"It's not a bad idea" Hancock nodded and continued, "You can raise the price a little higher compared to the current price for the remaining lands. Besides, Sonia. Do you think it is time for us to expand by increasing the size of the territory we have?"

"Expansion?" Sandersonia's eyes immediately lit up excitedly, "Big Sister, I think we should discuss this with King Fortis. After all, if we do territorial expansion and at that time we don't get permission directly from King Fortis. The consequence we will get is, the territory will not later get the protection of the Kingdom of Fortis"

Hancock's eyes lit up instantly at this, "That's it!"

"Big Sister... Do you have any desire to go to the Kingdom of Fortis?" Sandersonia asked nervously, "Didn't King Fortis have forbidden you to come as long as you haven't solved the problem of building your government system?"

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