Chapter 138: Alabasta Kingdom Reconstruction Plan

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“I guess the problems that the Kingdom of Alabasta are having are over, right? There's nothing more that needs to be done?" asked Ars while looking at Bell who was right beside him.

“That's enough, King Fortis” Bell said with a grateful smile, “Thank you for helping your kingdom as well as restoring the honor that belongs to His Majesty. Also thank you for helping to make our community aware. Although at this time there is still no response regarding them regarding Casino problems and others. I'm sure with your help, they will realize the dangers of the Casino."

“Don't worry, Bell-sama” One of the residents of the Kingdom of Alabasta shouted loudly, “We've come to our senses! After this live broadcast is over, we will immediately go destroy Crocodile's Casino!”

"That's right! We will destroy the place that has tormented us for a long time.”

"Damn it! I was fooled by Crocodile's actions! I must repay him by destroying all of his property.”

It was not only the citizens of the Kingdom of Alabasta who voiced their opinion but every resident of the kingdom who built a cooperative relationship with the Kingdom of Fortis voiced their opinion regarding the closure of the Casino because to eliminate the danger of poverty from their kingdom. Even now, the Ryugu Kingdom has started to make a move by eliminating casino businesses in their territory.

“That's good news” Ars said as his gaze shifted back to the screen, “Well, the first thing to say is done. Then, there are some things that I also want to convey regarding the matter of cooperation with the Kingdom of Alabasta.”

Everyone immediately fell silent again because they wanted to hear the information.

“The Kingdom of Alabasta, apart from establishing a cooperative relationship with our kingdom. They also accepted the proposal put forward by our kingdom. The proposal is a cooperation agreement in another form whereby the Fortis Kingdom will later help resolve the problems of the territory owned by the Alabasta Kingdom.”

“Territory matters?” Sengoku asked while raising his eyebrows.

“I think many people are confused about this” Ars said calmly, “As we know that the Kingdom of Alabasta is a kingdom that has a very large territory. However, that enormous area is dominated by deserts where the enormous territory of the Alabasta Kingdom cannot be put to good use.” Ars paused and continued, “Our kingdom has submitted a proposal to the Alabasta Kingdom. The proposal is related to the assistance our kingdom will provide. What 's the help like ? The assistance that our kingdom will later provide is…”

Ars' face turned into a gentle smile.

Ars' gentle smile made everyone curious about it.

“The assistance that our kingdom will provide to the Alabasta Kingdom is to assist in the reconstruction of the territories owned by the Alabasta Kingdom. The meaning of reconstruction here is that our kingdom will later help to make the area that was previously a desert into a green forest, the area that was previously dry will be changed by our kingdom into an area that has water sources by having lakes and rivers, as well as areas that were previously unusable. for agriculture and animal husbandry will be converted by our kingdom into an area ready to be used for agriculture and animal husbandry”

“ What ?!”

The information presented by Ars immediately shocked everyone.

"Is that even possible?" Tsuru asked with a face full of disbelief

“Dahahaha…” Shanks immediately laughed excitedly, “Changing a territory as big as the Alabasta Kingdom? Really only he dares to say such a thing.”

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