Chapter 142: The Alabasta Empire's Territorial Reconstruction Plan Meeting Begin

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At the moment when Ars opened the meeting, the atmosphere that had been full of playfulness immediately turned serious. This is also felt by Rayleigh, Shakky, and Robin when the three of them are joining a meeting for the first time in this kingdom. Ars, who was currently in the chair of the leader of the battle room, immediately pressed a button on his workbench, and instantly a projector emerged from the ceiling of the meeting room along with a white screen behind Ars' desk. The projector instantly activated and then showed a complete map picture of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

"As you already know, our kingdom has successfully established a cooperative relationship with the Kingdom of Alabasta." Ars said, "In addition to the cooperative relationship, we also managed to build an agreement to help their kingdoms carry out reconstructions for the territories they owned in exchange for our kingdoms to later get an income of 10% of the income that the kingdom gets every year. In this meeting, we will discuss the issue of reconstruction for the territory of the Kingdom of Alabasta"

"Before entering the discussion stage regarding reconstruction. We will describe a little elaboration of the Kingdom of Alabasta" Ars's gaze went straight to Robin, "Robin, can you help us understand the conditions that are there?"

"Robin, use the microphone in front of you to speak. Just press the button next to the microphone to activate it. As for disabling it again, just press it back" Shiina whispered.

"Thank you" Robin nodded and immediately did the thing said by Shiina.

The microphone had been activated then Robin started talking which got the attention of everyone who was there.

"I think almost everyone here already knows about the Kingdom of Alabasta" Robin immediately opened the voice, "The Kingdom of Alabasta itself is an empire whose location is in the Territory of the Grand Line, more precisely in the middle of the Grand Line area. The Kingdom of Alabasta is a very famous kingdom for its vast territory where the entire territory is covered with deserts. This is also why in the Kingdom of Alabasta it is very rare to be found rivers and lakes. Meanwhile, the rainfall from this kingdom is also very bad. Every year, usually rain will only fall as much as 3 to 4 times and in recent years especially since Crocodile's arrival there, rainfall in the kingdom has begun to decrease which causes the Kingdom of Alabasta to experience very severe drought and has to rely on the purchase of water from outside the island to meet their needs. There is also a factor of lack of need for food. However, this case itself is rare. The most common case that has occurred in the Kingdom of Alabasta today is the lack of water supply which itself is the most difficult thing to find there."

"Thank you for the elaboration on the situation" Ars nodded.

Lowellmina suddenly activated her microphone and it attracted the attention of everyone there, "The Kingdom of Alabasta is a kingdom located in the Grand Line region. In addition to having extreme weather conditions such as a long summer with low rainfall. Are there any other conditions?"

"I think I can answer this question" Shakky suddenly spoke, "The Grand Line and the New World are two ocean regions that are famous for their extremely extreme natural conditions. The territory of its oceans often has erratic natural conditions. At any time there can be unpredictable temperature changes. It could be that it is currently in a summer state, or it could be that a second later it turns into winter. However, this usually only happens to the ocean regions. As for the island itself, each island has its natural conditions or it can be said that it is a unique form of the island and since it is a unique form of the island, it is difficult to change it."

Shakky paused and continued, "For example, the Kingdom of Alabasta has a long summer with low rainfall. The weather is a unique form of the island. There is also Drum Island, which was previously raised by His Majesty in the live broadcast last afternoon, this island is famous for its snowy season conditions that will not stop and will always get the season every year."

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