Chapter 27: Arrival

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New World, Sky Over the Prodance Kingdom.

"Looks like this is the location." Hashirama who was standing in the sky looked down, "Let's go down. It's not good to make them wait too long." Hashirama immediately flew slowly down from the sky towards the front of the royal palace.

At this moment in front of the royal palace of the Prodance Kingdom, Elizabello II and the others had been waiting quietly for Hashirama's arrival. Instantly Dagama and Iru who can master the ability of Observation Haki immediately sensed the arrival of someone from above the sky which both felt the level of that person's strength was very frightening.

"Someone's approaching!" Iru shouted loudly with a face full of fear.

"Protect His Majesty!" Dagama also immediately shouted with a face full of fear.

The troops who were with them immediately came closer to Elizabello II and immediately surrounded him on orders from Dagama.

"Dagama, Iru. What is going on?" Elizabello II asked with a doubtful face.

"Your Majesty, there is someone approaching us. That guy... He has a very frightening power" Iru replied with a stuttering face.

"A very strong power?" Elizabello II was surprised to hear this and instantly remembered Ars' earlier words, "Where is he now?" Elizabelo II asked quickly.

"From the sky" Dagama said seriously while looking up at the sky.

"Stop it!" Elizabello II immediately shouted and continued, "That person is not an enemy. It was likely that the person who had come was an emissary from the Fortis Kingdom. Did you two forget? King Fortis has told us that that person has the ability to fly and will come from the sky"

Dagama and Iru immediately regained their senses and recalled what they had heard earlier until they saw a man in a very beautiful white formal dress with a robe bearing the emblem of a shield slowly descending from the sky gracefully until it stopped exactly a few meters from their current location.

"Hello, is this really the Prodance Kingdom?" Hashirama who had just descended from the sky asked politely.

Everyone was silent at the appearance along with Hashirama's arrival at this time. Because of the clothes he wears. Hashirama seems very dominant right now.

Elizabello II quickly woke up in her thoughts and immediately nodded, "That's right. This is the Kingdom of Prodance. Are you the messenger the King of Prodance sent here?"

"Sure" Hashirama nodded, "My name is Hahsirama Senju. I am the one who was sent by King Fortis to help solve the problems of tomorrow's war."

Dagama and Iru were immediately shocked to hear this then their previous fear immediately turned into full of joy. Because the person who had come to help them at this time was not a weak person but a very strong person. They even now believed in what Ars said about Hashirama defeating Whitebeard before.

Elizabello II's gaze immediately turned to Dagama and Iru to turn it off. They both nodded immediately. This made Elizabello II very excited and immediately got out of the line of protection and walked towards Hashirama.

"Sir Hashirama, introduce me is Elizabello II. I am the King of this Prodance Kingdom"

"Greetings, King of Prodance" Hashirama immediately returned the greeting politely.

"The person standing to my left right now is the Commander of the Prodance Kingdom's army. Iru" Elizabello II immediately introduced Iru and continued with Dagama, "While the one on my right right now is Dagama. He is the tactician of the Prodance Kingdom"

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