Chapter 11: Approval

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7 days passed.

Several days had passed since the first meeting held by the Fortis Kingdom ended. There's been a lot going on these past few days. The first thing was the start of the construction of a ship that would later be used by the Kingdom of Fortis to transport 550 people who would later work in the Kingdom of Fortis. The previous plan was to build 4 ships. However, after some deliberation, Ars immediately diverted his previous plan by only building 3 ships. The ships were built by Kaijin, Garm, and Dord. Meanwhile, Myrd was assigned to build the main road using pavin blocks.

The second thing was that Ars had summoned someone else to come to this world. The person was named Shiina Hiyori and currently held the position of Head of the Fortis Royal Library Department. The third thing that happened in the past few days was that Ars and Hashirama had managed to install street lights on the main streets of the Fortis Kingdom. The third thing that happened was an increase in the number of solar panels owned by the electricity department.

Previously, the number of solar panels owned only amounted to 240 units. Currently, Ars has increased the number to 360 units, which means that the electricity department can generate 3,600,000 watts of electrical energy every day, equivalent to 3,600 kWt. The fourth thing that happened was that Hashirama had finished felling trees in the rice area and while building paddy fields which amounted to 24,950 lands built by Hashirama. In addition to completing logging in the rice area, Hashirama has also succeeded in logging in the area where housing will be built later.

The number of houses that will be built, among others, for the first unit house is 150 units. The second unit house is 1000 units. Meanwhile, for the third unit house, there are 1000 units. Ars limited the construction of these three housing units because the problem required a very large land to build one housing unit. For example, for the first unit house. The yard needed to build this house is 1500 square meters. The second unit house requires a yard of 700 square meters. Meanwhile, the third unit house requires a yard of 850 square meters to build it.

The second unit house and the third unit house are houses that Ars built for exclusive use. The house was intended for the first people who came to the Kingdom of Fortis and became citizens of this kingdom. For those who accept it, they will get the house for free.

The fifth thing that happened was the construction of a water pump in the rice field area which would later help drain the water in the river to the paddy fields. Ars bought as many as 50 water pumps in the system and with Hashirama's help. They both managed to install water pumps in designated places along with the installation of small pipes that pass through every existing rice field.

The sixth thing is the calling of a new person, namely Isshiki Satosi who serves as Deputy Head of the Department of Agriculture in the field of Rice. Due to his arrival, the agriculture department has already started running by starting to do their work in the rice field. Isshiki with the help of Hashirama's clones managed to sow all the rice seeds on the land in just 2 working days and currently Isshiki only needs to monitor the rice fields every day. It takes 3 months for rice to be harvested. Isshiki currently still does not need workers to assist him in carrying out his duties.

The seventh thing that happened was due to the hard work put in by Kaijin and the others. 3 units of ships that will be used as a means of transportation used by the Kingdom of Fortis in transporting workers have been successfully built. Along with the completion of the construction of the 3 ships, Myrd has also successfully completed the construction of the main road project using paving blocks. Myrd also did not forget to build a pavin block on a small road that had been built by Hashirama which later became a residential road.

The current development of the Fortis Kingdom can be said to be going very well and there are no obstacles at all. The lives of Ars and the others also went on quietly and peacefully.

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