Chapter 109: Hobby no Mi's Devil Fruit Quest Plan

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New World, Fortis Kingdom, Urban Area.

“Rayleigh also wants to come along?” asked Ars, raising his brow.

Hashirama nodded, “He told me he wanted to come along. At the same time, he said he wanted to show off his high-level Haki mastery ability to Whitebeard. That old man has a childish attitude”

“You say such things, but you also have the same attitude, Hashirama” Rin said without turning her attention to the document she was holding.

Hashirama shrugged his shoulders casually then said, “Ars, at present the Dressrosa Kingdom has been destroyed. Supposedly the owner of the devil fruit that existed in the Dressrosa Kingdom has died and the devil fruit eaten by those users has returned to being an ordinary fruit that must be found, right?”

“Sure” Ars nodded, “That is his nature”

"Well, then. Are we going to make a move?” Hashirama asked seriously, “Especially regarding the devil fruit that Sugar ate. I myself don't pay much attention to the devil fruit that the Donquixote pirates eat. However, for this one devil fruit… We can't let it go”

"Can't let it go?" Rin was quite interested in this conversation and immediately raised her head, "What devil fruit did Sugar eat?"

“Hobi-Hobi no Mi”

“What ?!”

Even though Rin is a person who has just come to this world. However, Rin had read a literacy book about devil fruit. This also made Rin very surprised when she heard the name of the devil fruit that Sugar ate. Rin knows how dangerous this devil fruit can be if it is owned by the wrong person.

"Ars! We can't let this devil fruit be held by someone else ” Rin immediately said seriously, “We have to get this devil fruit and seal it. This devil fruit is very dangerous.”

“I know” Ars nodded then said, “Wait a minute. I want to try to communicate with Elie”

“Elie, how much does it cost to be able to get information about the current location of the Hobi-Hobi no Mi devil fruit?” Ars asked calmly.

[You only need to spend 100,000 points to get the information, Ars]

“100,000 points? Cheap enough?" Ask Ars

[In contrast to the information regarding ancient weapons. Devil fruit itself is quite common and information about its location is cheap. Each devil fruit has an information price of 100,000 points. It doesn't matter what kind. The price is the same ]

“I see” Ars nodded, “Well, I want to buy this information. Cut my current points”

[The Hobi-Hobi no Mi devil fruit has now returned to the world after the previous eater, Sugar, had died. This devil fruit is currently located on Cocomi Island East Blue. The specific location is in the forest behind Cocoyashi Village]

“Cocoyashi Village? It's quite a surprising location…” Ars muttered.

“Have you got the location, Ars?” Rin asked quickly.

Ars nodded then sighed “We were lucky”

"Lucky?" Rin and Hashirama asked while raising their brows.

"Yes. The location of the Hobi-Hobi no Mi devil fruit is located in East Blue, more precisely on Cocomi Island. This devil fruit is located in the forest behind Cocoyashi Village”

“Well, we've got it! Then, Hashirama, you go and get the item" Rin said excitedly.

"Do not!" Ars said firmly "Don't go for now"

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