Chapter 119: Meeting of the Three Kingdom Leaders

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The next day.

New World, Kingdom of Prodance.

The Prodance Kingdom is currently in a state of excitement. The citizens are currently gathering all over the city streets to welcome the representatives of the Ryugu Kingdom and Amazon Lily Kingdom who will later come to sign the cooperation with them. In addition, the Prodance Kingdom was also used as a place for signing and not the Fortis Kingdom, this is because the three leaders of the three kingdoms, especially for Elizabello II and also Neptune, do not want to make Ars difficult, especially the Fortis Kingdom is currently under construction.

At this time in the port of the Prodance Kingdom, Iru and his troops who were already there lined up neatly to welcome the arrival of the representatives of the Ryugu Kingdom and the representatives of the Amazon Lily Kingdom.

“How was all the preparations? No problems at the moment?” Iru asked his subordinates.

"Ready! Everything is under control now. All residents have also been arranged neatly”

“Good” Iru nodded, “Keep monitoring the situation and also direct the troops to stay on guard. We don't know who will have the bad intentions that will attack the representatives of each kingdom later. It will only lower our percentage in their eyes and will also experience problems during the signing process.”


The subordinate immediately carried out Iru's orders.

It didn't take long for the previously calm sea to suddenly surmount with great surging. The ocean also raises bubbles that rise to the top. Iru who has a fairly good ability of Observation Haki can feel the changes that occur and he can also feel that there is a group of people under the sea.

"Everything!" Iru shouted loudly, “The representatives of the Ryugu Kingdom have finally arrived! Please be able to keep the situation under control!”

The troops immediately prepared their postures perfectly while the citizens near the harbor immediately shouted excitedly calling out the name of the Fortis Kingdom.

The purpose of the citizens to watch this other than the feeling of excitement. Another goal is to see the Fish-Man Princess, Shirahoshi. They got word that the Fish-Man Princess was coming and her beauty could even compete with Boa Hancock, Lowellmina, and the others. This is also what causes many men who currently occupy the area near the port and some even bring cameras to capture the moment.


Finally a large ship appeared which was followed by a large whale with Neptune standing on the whale carrying his trident.

"Finally!" One of the residents exclaimed excitedly.

"Look! It's King Neptune! He's so cool~”

The whale carrying Neptune slowly approached followed by the ship carrying Jinbey and the others until they all stopped right at the dock that had been prepared.

Iru immediately walked up to them and said, "Welcome to the Kingdom of Prodance, King Neptune and entourage"

"Thank you for the welcome, Commander Iru" Neptune said with a smile while shaking Iru's hand.

"There she is! Finally the Princess Appears!” The residents exclaimed when Shirahoshi got out of the ship and her beauty was immediately seen by the residents, especially the men.

“Rumors are true! She's really pretty, she can even compete with Empress Boa Hancock and other high-ranking officers of the Fortis Kingdom” exclaimed another resident.

“Ah~ She's like an angel. If only I could marry her, I would be very happy.”

“Hahahaha… That was a stupid dream” His friend beside his said, “There's no way Princess Shirahoshi likes us. She must already have a fixed partner with her.”

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