Chapter 127: Dish Completion

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New World, Sphinx Island.

The cooking match between Thacht and Jouichirou is becoming more and more lively, especially now that the cooking match has entered the most decisive part, namely doing the most of the dishes. Everyone was currently waiting patiently for the two of them to plat the dishes they had currently finished making. The scent that was surrounding the area was currently filled with the food dishes between the two. However, the smell of food that dominated the area was Jouichirou's.

At the same time , Hashirama who was previously walking towards the back suddenly walked back to where the judges were.

"Is there something important, Hashirama?" Rayleigh asked with great interest.

This immediately attracted the attention of Whitebeard and Garp who were there.

Hashirama nodded, “We can't linger here, Rayleigh. We have to get back before nightfall.”

"Before nightfall?" Garp asked with a raised brow, "Is there something you need to do?" Garp asked with great interest while also wanting to gather information.

“Not a job” Hashirama shook his head, “It's just, there will be a meeting to attend for a little while tonight” Hashirama paused and looked at Rayleigh, “You can also join the meeting later, Rayleigh”

"Can I come along?" Rayleigh was quite surprised by the information.

Hashirama nodded, “It's not just you. But Robin and Shakky will later join the meeting.”

"Robin?" Garp muttered under his breath then shook his head.

“What is the topic of our meeting, Hashirama?” Rayleigh asked with interest, “I guess it's fine to talk about it here, right? Especially I also have to join in this conversation. Surely this has nothing to do with secrets from the kingdom that should not be known by the public.”

Hashirama nodded, "Yes. The topic that we will discuss later is the problem of reconstructing design in a kingdom that has just established a cooperative relationship with us.”

“The kingdom that built a cooperative relationship with you?” Garp exclaimed with a very surprised face.

This Garp's voice instantly caught everyone's attention and everyone's interest was instantly high.

"What do you mean by the reconstruction of a kingdom, Hashirama?" Whitebeard asked with great interest.

“The kingdom that establishes a cooperative relationship with our kingdom is one of the kingdoms in the Grand Line territory. The kingdom was called the Kingdom of Alabasta. You must have heard of this kingdom, right?”

“Alabasta Kingdom?” Garp muttered with quite a surprised face.

“The Kingdom of Alabasta… Isn't that a kingdom ruled by the Nefetari family and it's a kingdom located in the desert, isn't it?” Whitebeard asked.

Hashirama nodded, “A while ago, this kingdom sent their representatives to the Prodance Kingdom. As a result, after holding talks, we agreed to establish a cooperative relationship with this kingdom by reconstructing the kingdom's territory."

“Well, what do you mean by that reconstruction? Does your kingdom want to change back the territory of that kingdom?” Whitebeard asked again.

“That's the plan” Hashirama nodded, “The plan is that the desert area that belongs to the Kingdom of Alabasta will later be converted by us into an area that can be used as agriculture… Well, let's just say we're going to do reforestation for the desert area. Besides that, later we will make a river and others.”

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