Chapter 145: Future Plans

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"Well, let's start the next round in the meeting this time," Ars said seriously as he stared at his friends then the look in his eyes turned towards Hashirama, "How is the paper bomb-making project? How many paper bombs have been solved?"

"At present, there are 10,000 thousand paper bombs that have been successfully made," Hashirama said, "At least at the current manufacturing speed. It is likely that tomorrow afternoon or until the evening, the entire paper bomb can be finished and ready for use"

"If that's the case, we will attack the World Government more precisely destroying Uranus on February 23 to be precise at night. So that they can also send us extortion money right on February 24th"

"Ars" Eina suddenly called out, "I heard from Rin that this plan to destroy Uranus would involve Hashirama, or rather Hashirama would turn into one of his subordinates. Why not just use Ulquiorra? After all, at the moment we have no certainty to summon any of the subordinates from Hashirama into this world while Ulqiorra is already in the plan"

"I think Ars' plan regarding the use of people other than Hashirama or Ulquiorra is a good plan," Shiina said, "This plan itself can deceive many parties, especially deceiving the World Government."

"Deceive the World Government?" Eina asked in confusion.

"In the next few days, Ars's previous plan, he will call Ulqiorra to come to this world. With the arrival of Ulquiorra, the combat troops owned by our kingdom increased compared to before. Also, with the existence of Ulquiorra, its whereabouts may soon be known to the public, especially Ars may later send Ulqiorra to come to the Kingdom of Alabasta to pick up King Cobra and others to come to this kingdom"

"That's right" Ars nodded.

"That plan to use the appearance of others at the time of the destruction of Uranus could be used to deceive the World Government. With the emergence of Ulquiorra, which was a few days later. The personnel of our empire, especially in the combat division section, will be more and more known to the World Government side. With the number of personnel, we have, especially in the intelligence section where they appear in the Red Line area. Later the World Government side will come to know that it is true that at this time around them there are spies from our side. That way, the World Government will certainly be more afraid to make moves to our kingdom such as wanting to carry out a sudden attack plan or whatever it is. Because in their minds at the time, either they were currently or they were currently being watched by our spies" Shiina explained.

"I see" Eina nodded, "This is indeed a good plan"

"This plan is indeed very good" Rin nodded, looking at Ars, "This plan can be implemented because Ars has built his momentum from the beginning. If Ars hadn't built momentum from the start by suggesting to the World Government that our kingdom was a strong one with spies around them. It will be difficult to make this plan work successfully"

"That's what it's like" Ars nodded and looked in Hashirama's direction back, "What about the department area that belongs to you? It's been built successfully?"

"Already" Hashirama nodded, "The building that will be used as a residence, a training ground, and the main office that will be used temporarily. Everything is currently completed. Only left to furnish the whole thing with furniture and install it" Hashirama paused for a moment and continued, "Oh, yes. Bathrooms too, we lack that."

"Regarding the bathroom, I will take care of the matter tomorrow," Ars said then his gaze looked at Kaguya, "Prepare funds for the purchase of 25 units of home furniture and also the purchase of furniture for the office used by her at the moment"

"At this time?" Kaguya asked, holding up her forehead, "Will the funds be used tomorrow?"

"Sure" Ars nodded and turned his attention to Hashirama, "You can buy home furniture with furniture for your temporary office in the Kingdom of Prodance at a time when Rin takes care of his employee recruitment issues. Later Lowa will come with you there, you can be accompanied by him to buy all the things you need"

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