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I spent the next few days like a damn housewife.

To distract myself from all this gang shit we had going on, I decided to decorate some stuff around the house that I either didn't want in there anymore or that was just plain old ugly.

KyRon didn't really care what I did and I guessed it was because he knew that it was a form of coping for me.

I had completely redid the whole living room, and by the time I was done, I had everybody in the house panting like dogs without water.

I thanked them for helping me and just collapsed onto one of our new couches. It was times like this—me just sitting around bored out of my mind, that I lowkey missed Tally's company.

Just because we were on opposite sides of things didn't mean that I couldn't still feel some type of love for her. But, there was also the other parts of me that just could not stand that girl.

She had the nerve to take Cig's side over mine. I understood that he was her uncle and all but the shit that he did was beyond crazy.

She had been all on his dick. Always defending him and talking his side. But, as soon as it came to having my back she was nowhere to be found.

I tried to push the thoughts that I were having about her to the back of my mind because just thinking about it was starting to get me heated.

"Wassup with you?" I had heard LB say from the other side of the room.

He came at the right time. I definitely needed another distraction, and what better distraction was messing with my favorite light skin killer?

"Hey Yellow," I replied, getting up from the couch.

LB sighed dramatically. "You gone stop playing with me. I ain't even that light, bro."

"Be for real," I added before going over to stand next to him. "So...any new shit on the streets?"

LB shrugged. "Same old, same old. You know how it is."

I nodded, understanding. It was always the same routine. Same drama, different day.

But then, LB's expression changed, and I could tell that he was hesitant to say something.

"What's up?" I asked, sensing that something was off.

"Look, I don't know if I should even tell you this," he said, scratching his head.

"Just spit it out, Yellow," I urged him.

He rolled his eyes, which was real sassy of him, and pulled me to the side away from all the ears around us.

"Okay, okay," he said, taking a deep breath. "I heard that there's gonna be a big meeting tonight. The top dogs from all the gangs in the city are supposed to be there."

My heart rate spiked. This was big news. I had heard about these meetings before—often times when I was just being nosy listening to Ky's phone calls, but I had never heard about him being invited to one before.

This could be his chance to make a real name for himself.

"Where is it gonna be at?" I asked, trying to act casual.

"I don't know for sure," LB admitted. "But I heard that it's gonna be in that one building on 63rd."

"Awe hell naw," I shook my head. "Them PW niggas be crazy. I don't want him over there with them. They not even about business like he is. All they do is shoot people."

LB nodded in agreement. "I know, I know. But he's gotta do what he gotta do to get ahead, right?"

I sighed, knowing that he was right. KyRon had been working hard to make a name for himself in the gang world, and this meeting could be a huge opportunity for him.

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