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The night ended with me being driven directly back to Cig's house. Just like that, I had gone back to being in a house that I definitely didn't feel comfortable in.

The guard that took me to meet Nicolas earlier in the night gave me a simple smile and a nod before he helped me out of the car.

Slowly, I made my way to the big front door in front of me and before I could even knock, the door flew open and Tally pulled me in.

She slammed the door behind me and started asking me all types of questions.

"Did ya'll fuck?" Had been the one that stuck out to me the most.

I ignored her because she was starting to irritate me and just went up to my room. I rolled my eyes when I realized that she was following me.

She just would not leave me alone.

"We didn't do anything," I lied simply. "We just ate dinner at his house. It was nothing even remotely interesting about it, for real."

She raised both of her eyebrows at me and just shook her head. "Sounds boring."

I smirked to myself as I started to strip. It hadn't actually been boring, but of course she wasn't about to know that, because I wasn't telling her shit.

Her mouth had already gotten me into too much trouble.

"I'm about to take a shower," I told her suddenly. She just nodded her head and walked swiftly out of my room, leaving me with my thoughts.

My dirty, dangerous thoughts. The one that would probably get me shot, but not if I shot first. I was done playing around with these people.

Me and Kyron needed to start making moves now or else it was gone be too late.

I gathered all of my belongings and brought them into the bathroom with me. Then, I turned on the shower and let the water run for a little while before getting in.

About thirty minutes into it, I started to hear shuffling noises coming from my room. Knitting my eyebrows together, I poked my head out of the shower and just listened.

The noises started to sound a little more hushed. I hopped out of the shower without turning off the water and dried off as quickly as I could.

With the water still running, whoever out there wouldn't even be able to know that I was coming.

I grabbed my gun from under the sink and tucked it into the band of my shorts and slowly eased out of the bathroom.

I saw Dee going through my dresser with his back turned to me. This Nigga really was persistent. What the fuck was he doing?

"What the fuck you looking for?" I said, and he jumped at the sound of my voice.

"Nothing," he spoke quickly. "I was looking for you."

I rolled my eyes at him. Had men always been this stupid?

"In my dresser? You dumb ass Freddy Krueger looking—."

"I don't wanna argue with 'yo ass...damn." He was speaking to me as if I was the one who had a problem. He could've broke my damn neck, so why when I decide to return the favor with unkind words that it's an issue?

"Imma ask you this one more time: what are you doing in my room?" My tone wasn't kind, and he knew that because he tried to step towards me but I reached for my gun and aimed it right at him.

"Don't play with me right now," I shook my head at him.

His eyes grew wide like they were gonna pop out of his head. "Where the fuck you get that from?"

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