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I was cheesing hard as hell. The smile that was on my face was enough to light up an entire room.

It was corny to say, but I had never felt like this before in my whole damn life. No Nigga had made me feel like that before...not even Tray.

The weird thing about this whole situation was that it happened out of no fucking where. And the fact that he already had me wanting to be up under him said a lot.

Then, him saying what he said was starting to make my knees feel weak as fuck. I sucked my tongue at the thought of even being all up on him.

For him to just leave like that after the kiss was aggravating. I was gone hit him up and...put my mouth to work later.

The sweet smile on my face slowly started to wash away once I made it in front of the mansion.

When I say I almost dropped my bag at who I saw.

"Awe hell naw!" I yelled. I turned around and was about to walk my ass right back down the street but Tally's voice stopped me.

"Ant! don't just leave. She said that she just wanna talk to you," I heard her say. She had been referring to my momma—the lady that was sitting on the steps right next to her.

My momma was a stone-cold bitch. Maybe that's where I got it from. With her dark, wood-colored eyes and a smug smirk, she could make any bitch in the room shiver.

But that was before she was a fucking drunk. Now, all you could do was scrunch up your nose when you looked at her, and that's exactly what I did as I clutched my bag next to me.

She looked me up and down like I stole something. "You look...better," she said smoothly. I assumed that she was talking about the clothes I was wearing.

Back when I lived with her, I made it my mission to be as gay as possible so it would piss her off. Truth was, I was never really as flamboyant as she loved to make it seem.

I only dabbled in "girlier" clothes on special occasions.

"And yo' ass look less like a crack fiend, bitch," I said, only deciding to add that last part in to make her mad. It did because she stood up fast as hell. I had zero respect left for her. I was gone talk to her like she was just some girl on the streets.

I saw Tally in the background with her hand over her mouth trying not to gasp and laugh.

"I'm your mother!" She yelled at me.

Now that made me laugh. "Since when?"

I could tell that what I said caught her off guard. She said, "Aight look—I know I ain't been the best momma—," I scoffed, "But if you could just give me a few minutes of your time...I would appreciate it."

I tilted my head to the side to look at her. The bags under her eyes had disappeared. Her weight had visibly gone up, she had an ass again, and her hair wasn't all matted anymore, either.

"And I know it was your birthday yesterday." I watched as she started rummaging through her purse for something. She pulled out a small piece of paper and held it out for me.

I let my eyes travel over to Tally who just gave me that look. Bitch, take it! I could hear her ass now. So, that's exactly what I did. "What is it?" I asked while I took it from her.

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