(26) PSYCHIC?!???

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     You were in your room with saiki, completely shocked.

Earlier, you and Saiki were on the topic of secrets. Saiki brought up the subject, interestingly enough.

Of course, everyone has embarrassing secrets. You knew that much, at least. You also knew people had deeper secrets, so you were curious as to why Saiki of all people wanted to discuss secrets.

"Saiki, what's peaked your interest about secrets all of a sudden? It's a little concerning coming for you, haha!" You laughed light heartedly at the end of your sentence, but you were truthful about the question you asked.

"...Would you believe a really, really crazy secret of mine?" Saiki asked you, looking you straight in the eyes. He didn't show any anger or negative emotion, so you of course were puzzled by him.

"...I mean, yeah. As long if it's somewhat believable I'll trust your word." You were getting a little freaked out by this point. You were genuinely questioning if you boyfriend of barley a week was a murderer.

"I'm a psychic."

You were a little skeptical at first, then started asking him if this was some lame prank. Apparently, it was not.

"That's...definitely a bold claim! I told you I would believe you if it was somewhat believable, but I think I need some proof to believe you on that." You stated, your expression was confused, and slightly nervous if he actually was a psychic.

Saiki then provided said proof, he bent spoons, levitated, rewound time on a snapped hair band, and teleported from your room to the supermarket and came back with donuts.

And here you are, completely shocked.

Saiki then continued to tell you all of his powers, he had so many you couldn't keep up, and you started slouching.

One of the powers that he said made you sit straight up.

Mind reading.

You knew he could do it, since he actually provided cold hard evidence that he was in fact a psychic, so all you could really do was start to remember all the embarrassing thoughts you've had and gradually become a blushing red mess of embarrassment.

Of course, Saiki read your mind like a book, and chuckled slightly to himself. "Y/N, don't feel too embarrassed. You've had some...interesting thoughts but they aren't so bad." Saiki said, sitting down next to you on your bed, placing a hand on your back. You were sitting with your knees against your chest and had your head buried in your arms.

That didn't make you feel better, but Saiki offered you a donut from the quick supermarket trip he went on, and you weren't so embarrassed after that.

After zoning out for a good 3 minutes trying to collect your thoughts, you realized Saiki could read everyone's mind.

Now...you wanted to make Saiki tell you about the thoughts of your friends.

Saiki wouldn't budge, but after some bribery with some sweets you would make, he gave in.

"What does Nendo think about?" You were most curious about him. To you, it felt like Nendo was just a 12 year old boy in a teenagers body.

"He doesn't." Saiki blatantly replied. You weren't surprised, but that made you laugh, and so was hearing everyone else's thoughts.

As you and Saiki spoke, the afternoon turned into dusk, and dusk turned into night. Your social battery seemed to never die with saiki, and the feeling was mutual.

You were questioning every single bit of Saikis psychic powers, how they work, what they do, side effects, you were curious about every single thing about Saiki now. Not that you weren't before, but now more then ever.

For once in his life, Saiki was grateful he had psychic powers. He loved hearing your voice, you asking questions and you being so excited and curious. As stone cold as he was, he couldn't bring himself to be cold to you.

As soon as you realized it was dark out, you questioned Saiki if he should go home.

"No, my parents know I'm here. Besides, I would rather be here with you then listen to them gush about each other like teenagers." Saiki responded, his face still expressing almost no emotion.

"Alright then..say, I've bought a new movie and I've been meaning to watch it. Do you want to watch it?" You asked, you recently bought a movie online, you also got popcorn from the store, which you never usually have.

"Sure, I'll grab blankets from the closet." Saiki replied, already up and grabbing blankets from the hallway closet and setting them on the couch, while you made popcorn and started the movie.

You turned off the lights but one dim lamp, leaving a sort of movie theatre atmosphere, it was nice, cozy even.

You placed the popcorn bowl on the table in front of the TV for you and Saiki to snack on through out the movie.

Timeskip 30 minutes

One third through the movie, the popcorn ran out, you and Saiki didn't really care though. You both were comfortable on the couch, with soft blankets and pillows.

You were growing more and more tired as the movie progressed, as it was getting later and later. You yawned, and unknowingly leaned on Saiki. You were too tired to focus on the movie, but still kept your eyes on the screen as your head was tilted on Saikis shoulder.

It was calm. The atmosphere was relaxing, the smell of popcorn and a lit candle filled the room. Saiki had no issue with you leaning against him, he even liked it. He had never felt this way about anyone else before, but he knew he wanted to care for you.

As you dozed off, Saiki carried you into your room. After quietly closing the door, he went downstairs to clean up. He washed the popcorn bowl as silently as he could, and blew out the scented candle.

Before Saiki left, he soundlessly went back to your room and opened the door, and gave you a small peck on the cheek before exiting your house to go back to his own.


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