(8) No more alone time!

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You saw kaido and nendo walk towards you and Saiki. The library was the last place you expected them to be.

     Kaido and nendo were talking to Saiki, each ignoring eachother. Nendo was asking Saiki to get ramen, while kaido was talking to Saiki about dark reunion.

     '..am I invisible??' You thought, you were slightly disappointed that you and saikis time together was interrupted, but these were his friends, what were you supposed to do?

Saikis POV:

Seriously? Cant I have one peaceful day without these morons? All I wanted to do was eat some coffee jelly and check out some books.

'..am I invisible??' Y/N? I guess it is awkward just standing there while im being crowded by these idiots..

I should probably do something.

Your POV:

'Huh?' You thought, one moment you were watching kaido and nendo talk to saiki, next you heard Saiki mumble some lame ass excuse while he grabbed your wrist and led you out of the library.

You got slightly flustered, 'what?? Why is he grabbing my wrist? Wait, no Y/N, Teruhashi has her eyes on him, don't go catching feelings for your friends crushes..' you thought as you snapped yourself out of your daydream.

You found that Saiki led you to a park, with some swings and wood chips scattered around. It reminded you of your childhood a little bit.

"Wanna go sit on the swings?" You asked, pointing to the swings. Saiki nodded, and you both were slightly rocking back and fourth on the swings.

You and Saiki talked for what seemed like a couple minutes, then you realized sunset was starting.

"Oh...it's about to get dark, we should get home soon.." you said, getting off the swings, carrying your books from before.

Saiki nodded, and as you two were walking home, you snapped a couple pictures with saiki, the sunset providing good lighting and a pretty background.

You arrived at your house, you waving Saiki goodbye. You set down your books on your kitchen counter, and went up to your room.

You flopped down on your bed, thinking about what happened at the library. Something kept gnawing at your brain, saying that you can't like saiki, Teruhashi was the one for him.

You came to the conclusion you wouldn't act on your feelings, it wouldn't hurt anyone, you weren't even bothered that much. You would very much rather keep your friendship with saiki and Teruhashi, then ruin both of your friendships with them.

Saikis POV:

Seriously? Another girl after me? This is tiring. I know lots of people would love to switch places with me, but I hate this.

At least Y/N doesn't plan on acting on her feelings. I do admire that she'd put her feelings aside for Teruhashi, that's a kind thing to do.

I don't want Teruhashi though, I don't want anyone.

A/N: hellooooo, if you're worried about saiki not being interested in Y/N, I intend for this to be a slowburn! Just trust the process <333

Common goal. (Saiki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now