(11) Money spent

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You were out at the mall, you wanted some new clothes, you were getting bored of your current ones.

You were browsing at shirts, when you heard the familiar racket and yelling from some...acquaintances from class.

"We'll pick your clothes for you, Teruhashi!" You heard a certain boy with a hero complex say. From the little bits of eavesdropping you were doing, it seemed like Saiki, Kaido, and Nendo were picking some clothes for Teruhashi to try on.

You didn't want to get involved with them, you just wanted to grab your pieces of clothing and leave, besides, there was a store next to the one you were in which had way cuter options.

Just as you were grabbing a shirt, you heard a familiar idiotic voice calling out to you.

"Hey buddy! Didn't know you were here!" Nendo said, greeting you by putting a hand on your shoulder.


You weren't the most excited about Nendo dragging you to where the others were, but you were stuck there now, you at least wanted to make the best of it.

Teruhashi was in the dressing room, trying on the outfit kaido had put in there, and when she came out, the outfit was...interesting.

'Kaido...you have no idea what looks good and what doesn't.' You thought, looking at the outfit made you cringe.

You were just about to leave and check out, when the coffee jelly moocher asked you to stay. Apparently he didn't want to be left alone with those "weirdos". His words, not yours.

You reluctantly stayed, watching as Teruhashi came out with the outfit Nendo tried on, it was surprisingly cute.

"Well that's shocking.." you whispered to saiki, you had no idea Nendo actually had good fashion sense.

"Saiki, did you pick out anything for me?" Teruhashi asked, walking up to Saiki. You thought you should give them some space, you wanted to see how this would end.

To be honest, you wanted to see if Teruhashi could evoke any sort of emotion from Saiki. It was rare for Saiki to show emotion, so you were questioning if Saiki really was immune to her charm.

He was.

Saiki was fond of using you as an excuse to get out of being with his friends. He said something about going shopping with you and walked with you while you checked out.

"Say, why are you so against hanging out with your friends? They just want to spend time with you." You questioned, you were genuinely curious as to why Saiki seemed to despise his classmates so much.

"They aren't my friends, they're people who follow me around." Saiki stated, you had no idea he didn't consider them friends.

You started thinking about if Saiki felt the same way about you.

You told Saiki you were going into (favorite store), so he could do his own shopping, but he insisted he help you pick out clothes.

'This guys giving me mixed signals, am I his friend or not?' You internally monologued, walking towards the pants/skirts section of the store, checking the sizes and looking at price tags.

When you picked out your pair of bottoms, you didn't see Saiki next to you like he just was a moment ago, but you just assumed he went away.

Until you looked behind you.

Saiki was standing behind you, handing you a shirt that contrasted nicely with your pants/skirt. He even got the size and style right, you were impressed.

You went and tried the outfit on, and instantly fell in love. That gave you a slight confidence spike, and you snapped a mirror photo to keep this memory.

You changed back into your previous clothes, and went to the checkout, while Saiki followed.

The cashier rang you up, and you were told a hefty price for the clothes.

Being the shopaholic you are, you happily paid.

Saikis POV:

Well that was a trip. This wasn't how I planned to peacefully spend my Saturday afternoon. Well, I'm somewhat grateful Y/N got me out of being dragged around by my classmates.

Maybe she isn't so bad. I suppose I wouldn't mind spending the rest of the shopping trip with her.

Your POV:

You and Saiki had visited multiple different stores, you both helping each other pick clothes, window shopping, or going into Spencer's and laughing at the weed hats.

You both were now at the food court, grabbing a drink, it was hard work deciding if you should get a shirt or not.

You got (favorite drink), while Saiki got an iced coffee, apparently Saiki is just a coffee addict.

You were finishing your drink, when you saw Teruhashi, Nendo, and Kaido outside another store. You were a little impressed that Teruhashi was dealing with their shenanigans for so long.

You quietly pointed it out to saiki, asking if you both should leave before you get spotted, and you've never seen him drink a coffee and throw it away so fast.

Very, very soon, you and Saiki were downstairs, out of the food court. You found it a little strange, how it seem like he hates his other friends, but tolerates you.

You and Saiki left the mall after a few more close calls. It was still the middle of winter, and you walked to the mall...so you had to walk back.

It was very cold, and you were freezing. You liked winter, just not when it was raining instead of snowing.

"Y/N, give me your hand for a minute." Saiki said suddenly. It felt more like a demand, not a question, but you didn't immediately think about that, you just..gave him your hand.

Suddenly, you felt warm again. Especially your hand, it was strange. You just chalked it all up to you being nervous, you didn't see anything suspicious at the time.

Saikis POV:

It wasn't very smart to use my pyrokinesis just to warm Y/N up, I know, but it's the least I could do for making her help me escape from Teruhashi, Nendo, and Kaido.

I do feel a little bad for making her think I just "tolerate" her, I genuinely care for her, and that's a first.

Maybe I should spend more time with her outside of just her giving me coffee jelly.

Common goal. (Saiki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now