Chapter 21: Wrecked

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2 days later

I stared hopelessly into my reflection, looking only at my birthmark. All I was thinking about the past couple days was how... anti-climactic it felt.

Why doesn't it feel right? I saved them. I'm the reason we're still alive. This is what I've wanted.


Did I just not get enough time to appreciate it? Is that it?


My eyes widened as an idea hit me. Then, I thought Maybe that's why. Maybe it's because, now that we're banned from the government, people can't praise me.


Tap! Tap! Tap!

I turned to the rusted apartment door to my left and announced "What is it?"

"I just wanted to check on you. Nobody's seen you for hours," Samantha said concerned.

"Go away! I'm...," I responded, trying to think of an excuse.


I then heard Samantha quickly walking away, which caused me to smirk as I thought Nice job Matthew.

I then turned my eyes back to the mirror, and my mood quickly returned to emptiness.

I began thinking of everything everybody else accomplished. What my father managed to do, what Steve did, and same for Rowan and Samantha.

All legendary heroes, who probably couldn't give a damn about their reputation.

So... why should I care?

I moved my hand up to my birthmark, it shaking all the while. Finally, once it was close enough, I formed a blue lightning bolt in my hands, and proceeded to tear off the birthmark off my neck.

No, Matthew, don't, I heard somebody with an identical voice to mine yell in the back of my head.

The process lit all my nerves in excruciating pain, but I managed to work through it and tear the birthmark clean off my skin.

I looked back at my reflection, and saw my skin quickly healed back. But... when it was healed again, the birthmark didn't come back.

I looked back at the skin I tore off, and saw the birthmark had faded to the point where all that remained was skin.

After observing the birthmark for several minutes, I eventually tossed it into the barely functional trash bin next to the dresser.

I looked back at my reflection again, and smiled unconvincingly. I then thought Okay, how will I keep them from noticing I don't have my birthmark anymore?

I'll just manipulate their minds so they think they see it. Yeah, that works.

I then went to the light switch next to the door, flipped it off, then turned around and went to my bed while repeating these words in my head: Just keep smiling.


Then, a Grim Reaper majestically rose from the ground. Her body was made up of golden threads forming patterns of circles.

"You did a great job this month. But you still have a lot do do before you're ready," she said, almost in a motherly tone as she stared at my unconscious body.


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