Chapter 16: Immortals

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Everybody else charged first, but I waited back in the trench as I tried motivating myself to join the fight.

"C'mon, c'mon! You got this, you got this. It isn't that scary, you have help and all you need to do is run around the battlefield and help my allies."

"And if you mess it up, your friends can cover you. You got this."

Feeling like victory was inevitable, I ran to help my friends. When I was able to, I looked down at the battlefield, looking for any threats.

"Matthew, cover me! Bob, I need your assistance," Steve yelled out after slicing a robot's head off.

I formed a yellow lightning bolt in my grip and ran to Steve and Bob, who were dismantling the robot's head.

A couple robots tried to grab dad and Steve, so I impaled the first robot with the lightning bolt, spun around, and threw the lightning bolt through the second robot's hip.

About a dozen robots flew into the air to shoot them with electrical shots, so I looked for a nearby ground robot, formed a lightning sword, and used the robot's body to leap in the air, making sure to slice the robot's neck while using it for the boost.

I landed on one of the flying robots, so I sliced a random fatal part of its body, then quickly leapt onto another, destroyed that one, and repeated the process until all the flying robots fell to the ground in synchrony due to how fast I destroyed them.

Once I fell back to the ground, I ran around Steve and Bob in a perfect circle, holding my sword so I sliced any unfortunate robots who came in contact with it.

I did this until Steve yelled "I need a lightning charge!"

I stopped with a slide, releasing my grip on my sword so it flew forward and cut threw dozens of robots. I then materialized a lightning bolt and threw it at a univantium grenade which Steve threw in the air.

As the organic electricity empowered the grenade, Bob's blood wrapped around me like a cocoon, protecting me.

When the grenade exploded, it was so powerful it managed to push me while it was inside the blood cocoon, though the cocoon moved with me so it could keep protecting me.

Once the grenade's explosion was gone, the cocoon unwrapped, and I saw that apparently more than half of the robot army was taken out by the explosion.

"Wow. I knew it would be effective... but dang."

"Focus, Matthew," Steve said as he flipped over a robot, stabbed it from behind, then unhooked threw grenades from his belt and threw them in the air.

I nodded, ran under the grenades, using my excess organic electricity to empower the grenades, then turned around and went to check up on Issac and Dylan.

When I got to them, Josh seemed to be helping Dylan with either fixing or upgrading Issac's suit. When Josh saw me, he yelled out "Hey, Matthew, we seen a time freeze!"

"It isn't... never mind! I'm coming!"

I then ran to them, entered speedster mode, and put my hands on their shoulders to "unfreeze" them.

"So... now that we're going too fast to get interrupted... how exactly are we gonna replace my husband's body with univantium," Dylan asked Josh.

"Very simple... for Grim Reaper standards anyways. Matthew, I'm gonna need some mystic electricity."

"I... how am I gonna do that if I've got both of my hands on you two?"

"Focus on using mystic electricity, but specifically through your chest."

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