Chapter 6: Escape From The Prison

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Immediately after opening the door, I quickly went into the room beyond it and closed the door behind me, then went into what I call speedster mode, where I basically go so fast, it seems like I froze time for everything but myself and other people as fast as me.

Then, I stepped on the railing and jumped off, and onto the floor below, where the ambushing robots waited.

Once I landed, I walked behind a robot, and gently tapped him. In the split second I touched him, he seemed to be unfreezed.

Seeing this, I walked in front of the robot, and tried uppercut punching them. My fist broke on contact with the robot's chin, so I quickly pulled my fist back to keep them frozen.

Alright... well, that didn't work... welp. Time for plan B.

I started focusing really hard on my passions, trying to really feel them. I thought of guitar, I thought of video games, I even thought of how I felt back as a kid... back when I had my parents.

Organic electricity surged throughout my body, and my body released that electricity when it could no longer hold it, resulting in a massive explosion of electricity that, if I was outside, it might've been miles long.

As soon as I was able to, I exited speedster mode, and watched as all the robots short-circuited from the electricity.

"Alright, it's clear," I yelled out.

The woman exited the maximum security hallway, and saw the remains of my electricity explosion. Yellow electricity still remained a little, jumping around small sections of different parts of the walls, floor, ceiling, and balconies.

"Wow," she said to herself quietly.

After admiring my handiwork, she jumped off the balcony, and then said "C'mon. I know a way out," before heading to the door on the side of the room.

As I followed her, I asked "Hey, where are we going?"

"To the garage. If we can get a getaway vehicle, we can minimize our chances of dying."

I followed her to the door, and she cracked it open just enough so she could peek through the other side.

After a moment, she silently closed the door, and said to me "Wait here," before teleporting away.

There wasn't a window on the door, so I couldn't see what happened, but I did hear sounds of battle in the other side.

Less than 15 seconds after she teleported, the door opened, revealing the woman, who was covered in oil and blood.

When I entered the hallway, I saw a little less than ten robots and human guards dead or destroyed. The walls and floor were covered in oil, organs, and blood.

I had to try my absolute hardest not to throw up, and what shocked me was the woman just kept on walking, as if this was something she did every day.

"Hey, are you...," she started to say, but stopped when she turned around and saw I was this close to barfing.

"You'll get used to it eventually, don't worry."

Once I recovered, I continued following her, through a couple more hallways until we reached a pair of doors that were labeled Cafeteria.

"Alright," the woman whispered. "Chances are, there's a lot more guards inside the cafeteria, so I'll have to take them alone, meaning you'll be waiting for a bit."

"Wait," I said as I grabbed her arm to keep her from teleporting. "If you can take these guys by yourself... why couldn't you take the others, back at the prison cells?"

Accidents Made Right 2: KakorrhaphiophobiaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat