Chapter 5: Folsom Prison Blues

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I super speed ran up the right cliff side, and into a forest in front of the prison, so I could scout out it's defenses.

When I went into the forest, I proceeded to look for a tree large enough so I could scout out the base from far away.

Once I found the tree, I ran up its truck until I found a sturdy branch to stand on.

Once I found a branch, I went onto it and started scouting the prison, immediately noticing there weren't any patrolling guards outside.

"I remember Steve telling me something about this," I said aloud.

"I think he mentioned Robert doing this kind of thing to fool invaders, making it seem like there's no patrolling guards when in actuality the guards are scattered throughout the inside."


"And now I'm talking to myself... great."

After not noticing any major defenses, I headed to the entrance did the prison in a couple seconds. I looked at a giant gate, with a side door next to it with a button and camera next to the door, probably for visitors.

I thought of what do, then pressed the button. At the same time, I activated my technological electricity powers by thinking of how it felt to pet a dog. I used this type of electricity to manipulate the robot on the other side into believing I was an ally.

"Factory number," the robot on the other side asked.

Not expecting this, I tried focusing on my powers to try and find a random robot factory number, but also tried to make sure the factory number wasn't of a robot already posted at the jail.

Don't screw this up. Don't screw this up. Don't screw this up.


"Access granted," the robot said, followed by the sound of the door unlocking.

I totally knew I wouldn't screw it up, I thought before heading inside.

I then walked past the receptionist desk, praying to the god I didn't believe in that my disguise wasn't of a robot the receptionist would recognize.

Once I got past the receptionist, I went through a door to the right of the receptionist desk, and into the middle of three hallways.

After making sure the area was clear, I thought Alright, think Matthew. How will you find the woman without drawing attention to yourself...

I tried using organic electricity to find her brain, but to no avail. Then I tried using techno electricity to search the security cameras, but I couldn't find her.

Crap. I wish I had a tracking spell or something, that would really help right about now.

Suddenly, my body electrified with red electricity, and a red gas-like line went from my body and lead through the forward hallway.

Huh. That's odd... did I just... you know what? It's better than nothing.

I began following the red line, through multiple hallways and doors, making sure to reactivate my disguise with techno electricity whenever I passed any robots.

Eventually, I went through a door and entered the prison cell room, and continued following the trail up down stairs, to the left balcony and went all the way down to a door on the wall at the end of the balcony, which was labeled Maximum Security 1.

Wait, maximum security? Is she really that dangerous?

I gulped, then went inside. Past the door was another hallway, though it was relatively short. There was only seven cells, one on each side, except for the final one, which was at the end of the hallway.

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